The MY VISION BOARD Contest by @genesishealthy


I don't know if I'm a little late to leave this publication, but I know that this contest was created by @Jaynie, and a few days ago @littlegremlin kindly invited me to participate in this dynamic, which caused me a lot of happiness for several reasons, the first is that at the beginning of this year I created my first vision to erase and the second is that among other things I achieved one of the goals I set in it this week.

My vision board believes that I am not very good at arts and crafts, but I needed it to sleep this way so I could have it right on the wall in front of my workspace at home and I would see it every day.

I am very much in agreement with the law of attraction, and that what is in our thoughts and what we see directly is what we will see reflected in our lives.

Camera: It is important to me that my equipment is in the best possible condition, and today that is not the case, so it is an important goal for me.

Blogger : one of my goals was to block again because it is something I enjoyed a lot and I have, for some time now there are many things I want to share and this was the moment.

Love: one of my most important goals for this year, mainly on a personal level, I wanted to increase my self-esteem, my happiness in order to attract better relationships in all aspects of my life.

New phone: this very week I can fulfill that goal after saving a couple of months and thanks to hive, so you couldn't be happier.

Thank you very much @littlegremlin for inviting me to participate, it has been very nice to be able to share this part of me.



Me encanto!! de verdad muy genial tu vision board, sigue asi lograras todo.


Amen! que lindo gracias a ti por la mención