October is Mental health awareness month!

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 The month of October has been declared Mental Health Awareness Month with the objective of not only educating the public about mental health but also to reduce the stigma and discrimination that people with mental illness are often subjected to. 

Have you ever woken up with the whole world on your shoulders? Have you ever felt as if everything in your life just goes wrong? Perhaps you are in a deep dark hole and you have no idea how to get out of there? 

Do not feel alone.  Many other people feel this way, and this is a feeling that is extremely difficult to describe. Depression is not a joke, and medication does not always fix the problem. Depression is real. It comes like a thief in the night. 

You can be all normal one day and somewhere during the night you climbed into that deep dark hole without a ladder.   

As if we don't have enough other issues in life, depression can really take its toll on our health and it causes plenty of issues!  I have already described depression in another post, so I am not going to do it again. 

There are only a few days left in October.  Be aware of the people around you.  Make sure you LISTEN to others when they ask for help and don't think that it cannot happen to you.  

The world is upside down so, in reality, we should all just be depressed sitting in a corner somewhere sucking our thumbs. 2020 was hard on everyone!

I have also struggled with depression, and I have learned some techniques to help me get out of it. 

When I feel this way, I make myself talk to someone. Even if I don't feel like talking, I force myself to. Seeing a psychologist or even a psychiatrist actually helps to put everything back into perspective.  

If you don't want to use any of the two above mentioned people, you might just want to talk to a friend.  Even if your friend doesn't make you feel better, at least you will not be alone and you will know that someone cares about you. 

I also concentrate on things that make me happy, and POSITIVE thoughts all the way.  This is often difficult but the more positive thoughts I have, the more positive I feel.  

Do you know the universal law of attraction?

This is from a previous post I wrote:

 The law of attraction means, that the power of the mind is so strong, that whatever is in your thoughts, can be changed into reality.   In short- All thoughts turn into things. If you always think negatively then your life will always be cloudy and dark, and when you think positively good things will happen.  

Be the change in someone else's life.  Positivity also rubs off.  It is a natural law. Help someone today to feel a little better about themselves. 

I cared enough to write this post.  

What are you going to do for Mental Health awareness? 


"What are you going to do for Mental Health awareness? "

Indeed, what?