The Hive Merch Store

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)


Hive Merch Store

Hive hasn't been around for all that long but the team behind it has made progress at lightening speed. However, I asked myself, what would have the potential to get the Hive brand into the minds of the general public? Hive gear and a merchandise store of course.

Wasn't sure whether or not such a thing even exists but thought I would float the idea anyway. I believe a merch store would greatly benefit Hive if it would offer a range of merchandise to the general public. Imagine two immediate benefits in this scenario. Firstly, sells could generate revenue that go towards funding daily operations, and second, the merch acts as a calling card for the Hive brand.

I have provided a number of mock-ups just to illustrate some of the following items:

  • T-shirts
  • Hoodies
  • Coffee mugs
  • Phone cases
  • Baseball caps

The Collection

Here are some t-shirts in a number of colors and Hive logo variations.


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Baseball caps that are sure to please the crowd.

Protective cases for the beloved smartphone.

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Hoodies that are comfortable and that look really cool.

It has been said that beverages out of a Hive mug taste even better, this is unconfirmed of course.

So, what do you think about this idea? If Hive does indeed sell merchandise, I would be very interested to know.

Until next time, peace.