Cure for Mind Loops

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE3 years ago (edited)


[Hive is] a virtual haven. I post musings here that I would never do on FB.

I expressed this sentiment in a comment on Leofinance just a few days ago - it's the search for clarity that draws me back to Hive, every time.

When thoughts left unpenned, my mind wanders like a little sailboat tossed asunder amidst the roaring waves.

Sometimes I get lost, like a thirsty traveller wandering in the desert runes. In circles I go, for there are no signposts along the way.

And perhaps this very act of writing, of turning intangible thought into tangible words, would serve as an eureka moment which will lead me to the precious waters I seek after.

Even laying plain the fact that I have been traversing in circles is a hopeful beginning.


Can you be bored of over-consumption?

Can you?

Is it possible to see through the trappings of wealth if you don't really have much? Or is it just another delusional thought as wealth is not yet your lived experience?

If you don't have tremendous wealth, you have not yet experienced for yourself what that is like - so how can you renounce what you do not have?

Or is the boredom of consumption and the yearning for minimalism a masquerade for the fear that you'll never be rich, so just be content with what you have?

Is your soul truly freed from minimalism or is it just a coping mechanism for poverty mired in limiting beliefs?


But then again, we are all considerably wealthy in this day and age - and consuming at levels unprecedented.

This is corroborated by a quote by Naval Ravikant:

For most of modern life, all of our diseases are diseases of abundance. Not diseases of scarcity...We are overexposed to everything.

And quite possibly, that boredom or lack of fulfilment from consuming much more than your body and mind can handle at a single time is a symptom of that disease.

Re: the law of diminishing marginal returns.

What, then, is the cure for diseases of abundance?

Essentially it boils down deliberate consumption, which entails certain periods and seasons of self-denial.

Naval said in the Modern Struggle that today's battle is to resist over-consumption, to draw your own boundaries.


It's an individual battle.

In that same vein, the answer will be different for everyone.

The question for me is, what are my boundaries?

I admit, I have a weakness for Twitter as there are so many novel ideas and perspectives - shared by myriads of thought-leaders - which I am exposed to.

However, I reach a point where I just endlessly scroll through the vast Twitter library and end up like the lost traveller.

Writing is a way of forcing me to STOP.

All this knowledge is good. No one's denying it.

But if I do not critically think about what I read, if I do not glean the wisdom contained therein, it is ultimately a vacuous act.


That is where Hive comes in.

An outlet to create and to produce, which will bring my over-consumption to a halt and allow the scales to be balanced once more.

Even now I can feel the wondrous effects as I write this post, in the same way an upset stomach is quelled after bouts of indigestion.

My mind has ceased churning.

Til the next cycle...



Photo Credits: Debby Hudson, Unsplash

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