I am not taking anymore clothes off,πŸ‘—πŸ‘™ Menopause and the lifestyle changes. πŸ‘©πŸ‘΅πŸ˜­πŸ˜­

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE β€’ 3 years ago

Being a women we have so many journeys such as, Menstruation, Pregnancy and Giving birth & Menopause, I have been through the first 3, I am now on my way through the fourth and hopefully the last - Menopause:

Common symptoms include: (Taken from NHS website)

Hot flushes – short, sudden feelings of heat, usually in the face, neck and chest, which can make your skin red and sweaty
Night sweats – hot flushes that occur at night
Difficulty sleeping – this may make you feel tired and irritable during the day
A reduced sex drive (libido)
problems with memory and concentration
vaginal dryness and pain, itching or discomfort during sex
mood changes, such as low mood or anxiety
palpitations – heartbeats that suddenly become more noticeable
joint stiffness, aches and pains
reduced muscle mass
recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs)

There is a good chance you won't suffer from all of them, I thankfully can only tick of a couple sadly I can tick off Hot Flushes, these are exactly how they sound and are as bad as they can get. I can go in the shower, blow dry my hair then half an hour later look like I have jumped in a swimming pool with hair stuck to my head and clothes doing the same its a nightmare. Its feels like someone has turned your thermostat up to the highest heat and feel each pore open then drown you thankfully I haven't yet suffered night sweats maybe that is due to me having a fan next to me on full blast as soon as a sweat starts.

I find my biggest problem is the rows it causes:

We are in Winter with the weather being really bad and really cold, My husband and daughter are cold so they naturally turn the heating up a bit then I turn it down, there is then the usual row of who needs the heat and who needs to cool down. A hot flush can be really uncomfortable, cold weather is perfect especially with fans on and windows open, I would rather not but then my only other option is to walk around the house naked and still feel the heat, its easier and better for the environment if the cold person puts a jumper on or snuggles under a blanket, I can't do this and believe me at 56 they really don't want me taking clothes off, I am already sat in my summer Pyjamas, I don't want to take anymore off.

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This site is very helpful:


In a way I am glad I am going through this through the Winter, I started in the Summer and it was unbearable, hopefully it ends by the time the Summer comes around again but can last for quite a few years. There is an option to take HRT which for some can be a blessing whilst others aren't good with them, I am unable to try as my Mother had breast cancer twice.

I can also tick:

A reduced sex drive
Memory and Concentration
Mood Changes
Joint Stiffness

None of them are fun, none of them make you feel good and none will be missed once I am over this. I can't wait until I am free of all these and able to feel like me again.

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Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

itchy, bitchy, sweaty, sleepy..

I am not looking forward to my time... which is coming soon too no doubt haha!
Thank you for sharing this in our community!


Think positive hun you may get away with it. Fingers crossed you do :)

Β 3 years agoΒ Β 

I certainly hope so... hehehe!

Menopause sucks - I have gained 20 kg in the last 2 years and did nothing different and my whole body has changed - I just cannot get use to it, I do not even put on make up because always overheating

Thats me to, life is so much harder. Can't wait until its over.