Blogging Challenge Day3 || My Favorite Quote!!!

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE3 years ago (edited)

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Blogging Challenge Day3 || My Favorite Quote!!!


My favorite quote has been made since I was very young, and since then I have not stopped meeting a character, who is not human, but who sometimes seems to me because he awakens many feelings in me.

Of course, I mean my *** cuatro ***, who has accompanied me for more than 5 decades, and it was in my small hometown that I learned the first notes.

The cuatro is a musical instrument, which owes its name to the 4 strings that make it up, and it is said to be one of the most difficult instruments to execute with total mastery.

I don't think it has been more than a week without touching his strings, because my date is constant with this friend who is always willing to let his magical sounds play.

Very happy to have brought you my favorite quote on this occasion, and I ask God to continue to bless you every day, and to give me much more life to continue playing songs on those 4 golden strings.


Thankful to @jizzyjoe, for making me return to this challenge.


Wow!! Am so happy that I motivated you to continue with the challenge. Do you play the guitar?

Thank you. Mucha emotividad, je, je. Muy agradable.

Oh, no entendí cuál era tu frase preferida.