First Snow Greetings

Greetings, fellow sentient beings!

I don't know about snow...wait...about you, but we have a custom to post on the social media when the first snow arrives near the end of autumn, the beginning of winter, or whenever.

That's what my grandma taught me thirty years ago...

When you see the first snow, you should not eat it, nor throw it at the neighbors' windows. Be a good boy and write your fb and insta posts as soon before breakfast.

Ah, the breakfasts back then...


The breakfasts...

Not very healthy from a modern point of view — fried wheat dough, for instance, sometimes with cheese and eggs for a change and that's mostly fine. But the charred aroma of childhood comfort is irreplaceable. You just cannot use an avocado instead.

Speaking of avocados...We knew nothing about them back then. We had bananas, oranges and tangerines only due Christmas time. Local seasonal food for the rest of the year. And that made summers special because maize/corn was only available then and its smell was summer-related. So with watermelons. But without the smell.

There were holidays for pork, and holidays for chicken. Nowadays we buy chicken meat almost daily. No magic, just hormones and mass breeding.

I am not saying scarcity is my dream but over-consumption is definitely a hidden daily nightmare waiting to get at you. Not saying you have to head to where we already were.

Time goes only forward but some things go in cycles, although with slight variations.

The sad thing is...human life is short when compared to all the flavor of all the ages one would like to experience.

Unless we get that possibility virtually. Better and better its design.

Happy Snowday!




Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 33 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

LOL! Yes, we always post the first snow, too, as if it's a magical thing (it is) that has never happened before (though it has). I love the snow.

Never having seen snow like that I can only imagine what Granny would say now that you mention it!

Healthy full breakfast during cold weather sounds like a better way of living to the artificial stuff people throw down their necks in 'modern' society.

Thank you! Some more snow and icicles incoming.

"Modern" and "normal" are actually words that just describe current mass tendencies, not always meaning "the good example", right ?

Oh dear, I still eat butter, drink full cream milk and have gone so far to test some of these new fan-dangled ideas coming out of supermarkets with my dog, he even turns up his nose.... Quality test control! If your dog won't touch it there must be something wrong 😄

Well, the non-supermarket food lies in a past which would be difficult, yet important to get back in some way to some extent.