[ESP - ENG] Concurso Creativo Hive - DIAS DE FANTASIA | Hive Creative Contest - DAYS OF FANTASY

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

Volvimos con los encantadores y creativos concursos de @zord189, esta semana nos invita a compartir nuestro festival favorito.

We returned with the charming and creative contests of @ zord189, this week he invites us to share our favorite festival.

Me encantan los días festivos o festivales, en Venezuela no se celebra Halloween como tal, si hacen fiestas en los colegios de día de brujas, pero como tal no existe la costumbre de salir a pedir dulces o decorar las casas con motivo de noche de brujas.

I love holidays or festivals, in Venezuela Halloween is not celebrated as such, if they have parties in schools on Halloween, but as such there is no custom of going out to ask for sweets or decorate houses on the occasion of Halloween.

Si se celebra la navidad y carnavales, en Navidades adornan las casas y las calles con muchas luces, todo se ve muy bonito, pero mi preferido es el carnaval, en el mes de Febrero, se celebra por casi una semana el carnaval, en Venezuela siempre se hacen unos carnavales bellísimos, desde niña me acostumbraron a esperar con ansias los días de carnavales, soñaba con escoger mi disfraz, aunque normalmente lo escogía mi mamá o ella misma me lo hacia, ir a el festival disfrazada era lo mejor jajaja, los disfraces son tanto para niños como adultos, en esos días organizan un desfile de bellas carrozas por las calles, hacen un concurso de belleza donde eligen a la reina de los carnavales, es un espectáculo hermoso.

If Christmas and carnivals are celebrated, at Christmas they decorate the houses and streets with many lights, everything looks very beautiful, but my favorite is the carnival, in the month of February, the carnival is celebrated for almost a week, in Venezuela There are always beautiful carnivals, since I was a child I was used to looking forward to the carnival days, I dreamed of choosing my costume, although normally my mother chose it or she did it for me, going to the festival disguised was the best hahaha, the Costumes are for both children and adults, on those days they organize a parade of beautiful floats through the streets, they do a beauty contest where they choose the queen of carnivals, it is a beautiful show.


Cuando era niña normalmente viajábamos a la ciudad de Carúpano, Edo. Sucre Vzla, solamente para ver los carnavales de allá, solían ser los mejores, incluso recibían premios internacionales por la creatividad y originalidad de sus disfraces y carrozas.

When I was a child we usually traveled to the city of Carúpano, Edo. Sucre Vzla, just to see the carnivals there, they used to be the best, they even received international awards for the creativity and originality of their costumes and floats.


Encontré estos recuerdos, hace muchos añitos atrás disfrutando de el carnaval en Santa Elena de Uairén, Edo. Bolívar Venezuela./I found these memories, many years ago enjoying the carnival in Santa Elena de Uairén, Edo. Bolivar Venezuela

Desde niña me he disfrazado en cada carnaval, en los tiempos de universidad inventaba con mis amigas, y pasábamos os carnavales juntas, fueron épocas muy bellas, y aunque el tiempo pase, no me importa la edad que tenga siempre busco algo con que disfrazarme o algún atuendo para celebrar esos días, pienso que son días especiales y hay que olvidar un poco los problemas y salir de la rutina, no está demás enloquecer un poco y entrar en un mundo de fantasía de vez en cuando jajaja.

Since I was a child I have dressed up in every carnival, in college days I invented with my friends, and we spent the carnivals together, they were very beautiful times, and although time passes, I don't care how old I am, I always look for something to dress up with or Some outfit to celebrate those days, I think they are special days and you have to forget the problems a little and get out of the routine, it is not enough to go crazy a little and enter a fantasy world from time to time hahaha.


Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Lovely to see your carnivals that take over the town for a whole week, must be exciting to become a part of enjoying the time together @marivic10


Please use https://peakd.com to send tips - because of HF24 tipU can not reliably send tips :(

Thank you @joanstewart, the truth is that they are beautiful days, full of adrenaline and fantasy.