Meet The Funny Cats Of My Neighbor Michaela

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

My Neighbor´s Cats...

They are all cute and full of elan. Our former house garden had been the meeting place of the cats in the row house neighborhood we lived in. To the left of our garden were 4 or 5 cats hanging around our place although not all at the same time. They all wanted to go inside our house because I think they were all intrigued by Lily, our chihuahua princess (RIP, May 22, 2020). Perhaps the reason could be was that since Lily was small same their size, they might have thought that she was also a cat to play with, Lololol!

There has been (always!) fightings among the cats since the neighbor´s cat living on our right also would claim our garden as their territory and each did their fightings or war in the night. Sometimes, it was a nuisance since the fightings happened in the wee hours . So, here are a few of the cat family members whose cat Mom is called Michaela.

Luna, the invader....

She wanted to invade my kitchen whenever I cooked. Maybe she was smelling the food since the kitchen is in front of the house and she could have easily slipped-out from their garden to the front of the row houses. She would jumped to get to my kitchen window and would do a meyoooow and asking me to let her in...In the pic upper right, she immediately set her foot inside the window where she thought I´d let her in...but of course, I didn´t let her

because Lily was in the kitchen.

Sometimes, she was always ready to jump down from our pergola but was scared because she had been observing Lily who was sleeping on the floor. At one time I saw her left ear with a bandage and when I opened it a bit I saw there was a huge cut, must have been from a fight. She is very aggressive when it comes to cat fightings although she is a loving cat when she is with us.

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Geisha... she was the boss!

Although she was the smallest in size, she was the boss of her cat family. When she first came to us, she had a fight with Lily because she wanted to be the favorite in my household. Both have had wounds from the fight which we fortunately stopped in the beginning, otherwise, I wouldn´t know what could have happened if we didn´t. She also loved to eat a meal inside the kitchen and complained if she didn´t have one.


She would stay with us sometimes the whole day and even slept in the lap of my husband and Lily, would just let her be.

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One day, she woke-up from her siesta sleeping from a hanging bamboo mat used as shade of their pergola. On our side, she used the 12 clay pots I planted with geraniums as stairs hanging on my spanish wall..In the course of her jump, she hit the flower vase full of flowers that was standing on the table. The hand painted glass vase broke and I was damning it because the vase was vintage and given by hubby´s grandma. But, thankful nothing happened to her on that Fall since the splitters were all over. In the course of her growing up, she became ill and had intestinal problems and died two years ago.


Lily, the soil digger....

Also has the same name with our dog Lily... she is the youngest in her cat family but very naúghty because whenever she was in my garden,she would dig the soil in the pots and made a lot of dirt and soil scattered all over. Still young at the age of 1 year, she also liked to fight with the other neighbor´s cat. I think she likes to be the leader of the pack.






Ruby, abandoned by her Mom....

She had been discovered by a friend inside the horse barn as a pup kitten of just days old. She took her home and since then, she had been receiving medications because of asthma. With a lovely cat hair, she is a very quiet cat and would also love to go on adventures in the neighborhood.


One time, she had been locked-out and would love to come back to her house, climbed our pergola and jumped onto the window pane to get inside, but her cat Mom had already left for work. so I let her come down and got her inside my house til her mom came home in the evening.


And so... these were the stories of the family cats in the previous house we lived in. Perhaps, I wouldn´t see any cats at the new abode since we now have a flat without a garden.


All images were taken and text written by @mers.

Stay safe everyone!

GIF by Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo


Cats are so cool, I love them. I fell in love with Lily, her face is like a baby 😍❤️

Yep, she´s a baby still , only a year old and so cute. But she´s deemed to be the new boss of her cat family... hahaha.

hahaha excellent, girl power ❤️❤️❤️

Hahaha... indeed!

Sooo beautiful all of them!