Taxi (in Cebu City)

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE3 years ago (edited)

Hello Hivers,

It's coming up to midnight and I'm sleepily drafting a blog, when these pictures from exactly two years ago pop-up.

Lipstick makes me nostalgic of pre-Covid times.

So quickly things change.


In the backseat of a taxi, on a rainy morning in Cebu City.
It's Friday!
I remain calm, amidst the hustle and bustle.

red glasses 2.jpg

Observing the nuances of facial expression and body language, of people as they go about their daily lives.

red glasses3.jpg

Looking out, with my mind near and far, I expect the unexpected, and I'm ready to snap.

However, I alternately turned the lens of my camera to face me, and these are the candid shots :)

#FacesOfhive #Selfie

... a quick shower, and I'll crawl into bed!

Good night!💋
Thank you for stopping by:)


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So you've been here in the Philippines for long? Are you staying here or you're still planning to leave us, I mean Philippines?🤗

Yes, I've been here a long time now.😃
Longer than I ever imagined.
It feels like home :)