Be more adaptive to release stress!

It's raining during office time and you have no umbrella or any other alternative. Is not this single event is enough to make your day bad and make your stressful for the rest of the day?

Well, think about what worse could happen. You can't go to your job that day, you may get a warning letter from the office, rude attitude from the boss ie. Now, think about can't you make any other alternative to make it better. Like working from home, going to the job after an hour or so. Maybe you can.



Everything is temporary in our life. An event can make it worse but we can find a path to get out of it. Accepting the 'bad part' of life is the key to be more adaptive. Accepting failure is essential is necessary. It helps a lot to think positively about life.

Allow yourself to take a breath. Life is not all about rushing one task after another. Adapt yourself with all you have. It can be your physical strength, mental weel-being anything. If you stuck somewhere and not move forward until a certain thing or achievement; then you will obviously feel stress.

When we choose to dislike anything, any event or person we choose stress for us. Better learn to let it go. Life will not come up with the best option for you everything. We have to adjust, adapt to make it better. Just like, when it's about releasing stress there's no other way to adapt to the situation to feel less stress.

We can choose to fight, we can choose to not settle for many reasons. It's okay for many times. I'm also not talking about this. But in daily life, we can choose how we are gonna react, respond, and accept the stressor. It's just about altering our mindset that 'this will happen' or 'I want this to happen'. Adopting positivism can make it easy for anyone to release stress and feel also feel less stressed.

I hope it's gonna help you!


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