Hive music for the Holydays: National French Toast Day. Extra syrup with No Regrets.

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE3 years ago (edited)


French Toast. Thick bread dipped in eggs and cream, grilled in a cast iron skillet over an open fire. Heavy on the Maple Syrup.... I know what I’m having for breakfast today.

It is National French Toast Day after all.... extra syrup, blueberries and bananas for me.

No regrets.


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Extra syrup..... with No regrets, I regret nothing.

French toast comes from a desire to not waste food...

Most experts agree that French toast dates back to ancient Rome. A similar recipe can be found in the book of Apicius from the 5th century BC. The Romans dipped slices of bread in milk (and sometimes eggs) before frying them, and called it “Pan Dulcis.”


French Toast with an Ocean of Maple Syrup.

My toast is literally swimming in Syrup.


Some more sweet and syruppy French Music ...

les choristes | caresse sur l'océan {music video}

Source: Youtube