
Hey Quill! Lovely to see you pop up. Yeah it is insane what is going on. Here comes the civil war... Thankfully we are out in country bumpkin land, far, far away from all the drama... so yes, alive and kicking! Thanks for checking in. How are you keeping? What are you doing to get into mischief these days? :)


Civil war ... one hates to even utter the words but, admittedly, things are looking a bit grim at the moment. Grim and complicated. And, increasingly, pregnant with racial undertones. I've been trying to figure out what the underlying conflict is even about. There's lots of conflicting narratives. Indeed, yesterday I came across a social media diatribe blaming it all on ... Trump!!! I was going to write a quick poem about the stellar logic underlying such assertion but I decided it wasn't worth the effort.

"Country bumpkin land" ... girl, thank your lucky stars. When the shit hits the fan the last place you want to be is "anywhere conspicuous."

As to me, I'm ever-awaiting the re-launch of Voice (as a NFT platform this time around). As per usual in Cryptoland, deadlines are more aspirational than definitional and communication from above is non-existent. The Community (all of whom seem to have my email address) are getting rebellious (and would undoubtedly start rioting and looting if they could). Apparently, we'll "know more" in the next couple of weeks ...

Darling, keep your eyes open and your head down. Err on the side of caution. This kind of thing can spiral out of control quickly and is far more perilous than pandemics.
