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RE: A secondhand secondary hobby

the more it expands into something profound and relatable.

Life is all around us, if we pay attention :)

I have gathered throughout half of the just concluded decade.

I remember the fire you went through and I know people who have lost all they own. I think the collection is part of us, but what makes us stronger is the ability to let go of what was and start again.

Hive is a hobby to you?

Definitely. It is hopefully one of the rare occasions that "love what you do" pays off too though :) Time-wise, I have put more into here than I have working hours in jobs.


Yes. Life is all around us.

The fire contributed to the slow progress I have seen myself through. I am lucky to still have my life.

but what makes us stronger is the ability to let go of what was and start again.

True. But willingly it must be. One has to want to heal.

What a productive hobby you have then but well deserved. I am still impressed by how engaging you are ;)