Thai Cat for #caturday

Have you ever recycled a cat? I have! 😁

Even before it became fashionable, I've always participated in recycling, even to the extent that hair that collects in my hairbrushes goes outside for the birds to use as nesting material. My mother did the same thing, unbeknownst to me until my father told me a few years ago. I was shocked that she and I had that in common, as she did not teach me to do it as a child. That was just one example I could give, of many.

As such, I have always enjoyed visiting Thrift Shops. For those not aware, Thrift Shops are a variety of second-hand store that's usually operated by a charity of some sort, and receives its merchandise through donations from the community. Shopping in Thrift stores serves several purposes:

  • it allows old, unwanted items to be recycled to new homes, thus preventing waste and keeping unwanted items from our landfills

  • it helps the charity to do their work which can be supporting Hospice programs, orphanages, the elderly, and other persons with needs

  • it provides an outlet for unique items which can't be found in other stores, such as vintage clothing, handmade items, and so forth

I was in such a Thrift Store many years ago when I saw an adorable and fascinating carved wooden cat. What made it truly unique were pieces of thin metal that had designs hammered onto them, affixed as embellishments. There's one of the inside of both ears, one serves as the cat's collar, another goes down the chest, and one on the kitty's flank.

The figure looks like it might have been hand-carved from a block of wood. The only indication of its origin is a sticker on the bottom that says: "Made in Thailand," but my guess is that it was hand-crafted by an artisan there rather than being a mass-produced item.

The hand-hammered designs on the pieces of metal are very pretty and nicely-done! It is amazing what a wonderful touch these decorations add to the statuette! Just look at a closeup of the beautiful work!

And now I leave you with this limerick I just penned:

There once was a kitty from Thailand
Who came to the New World, unplanned
He ended up in a shop
Through donation or swap
And was glad that he wasn't canned!


banner made by me with a free clipart image from

to learn more about either of these projects, please visit: @heyhaveyamet or @theterminal



Manually curated by ackhoo from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Cute limerick! :D

Love the kitty! I have a few ~ there are many similar kitties, wooden and similarly carved; mine are from Sarawak (North Borneo) and Indonesia... but first I've seen with the metal embellishments. Cool find...

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 12 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Your first line is clickbait! I love it!
What a great find! It is a lovely wood carving plus a metal medium. A lot of work went into that piece for sure. We have one Vintage & Consignment shop in our downtown, and as soon as they are open, I think I will check them out. Perhaps I will find something nice!
Have a wonderful evening, sis @thekittygirl. I apologize... my VP is really low.
Take care 🥰🌺🤙

I love caturdays at @thekittygirl s place. A kitty from Thailand . I love it. I also shop at thrift store for 95 percent of my things.

The limerick is the best and leaves me with a good feeling before bed. I need, it believe me. Thanks for that!

I found the carver who made this, I think.

The neighborhood Thrift shop, my favorite past time when I can get the chance to find, and not necessarily buy, things of character and quality but to chat with the shop keep. Drop off my clean used clothing and find something different while in keeping with my lifestyle. My closet and dresser is overdue for its annual reorganization anyway. Thanks for the curious share @thekittygirl

it was hand-crafted by an artisan there rather than being a mass-produced item

I actually don't think that's a mutually exclusive situation

and... if you're into recycling... you've got 176 CAT in your steem-engine wallet that are eager to get recycled and moved to a new place, too :) just send them to @null from your steem-engine wallet and they'll be issued to your hive-engine wallet within minutes.

oh and, happy #caturday, have some more !CATtip 100 CAT

your tip of 100 CAT towards @thekittygirl was sent successfully

I wasn't sure what to do with those tokens in the other wallet, so: Thank You! 😸