Stem cutting is the best way I do implore in planting my potatoes and it do give me a great results

in Homesteading10 months ago

Good morning my great people in homesteading
Hope you have a great night

As we all know that raining season is fast going and this is the season when I as a homesteader always have one or two things to post

Thought of bringing these here perhaps it might be of importance



I have these pieces of land which is not to far from home

For the first time I thought of using it in growing my potatoes to see if it might bring out the best like I have wanted it to

So I gave it out to tractor for cultivation since I can't do it myself,I would have given it a trial if I have a partner beside at least when we are two it makes the work earlier for me



After the land have been cultivated I tried to spray chemical for it to take some time before weed grow on it, after spraying I left it for two days before planting my crop



In planting I used the stem cutting method which I always use for my potato plant, this method is used where there is moist soil or where they can grow by applying propagation method and some of the plant that adopt these method are : sugarcane, pineapple and grapes and others not mentioned here

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True it is potato planting season and we are just about planting the next batch of our potatoes too.

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