Who Knew What Joy A Box Could Bring?

in Homesteading3 years ago

It's almost February now. Thankfully spring is going to be coming around the corner soon. But in the meantime it's still dragging on.

I will point out that thankfully it's been quite warm on the prairies here as compared to the usual. But with a lot of snow comes the warm.

This past two weeks I've noticed my black bull Pepper slowly destroying the fencing. He'll knock down a fence board on the one side then lift it up and down as fast as he can to keep himself entertained.

While I don't mind he's having fun, I mind a bit because he's destroyed literally half of the corral now in the pursuit of entertainment.

I was on the phone with my friend down in Colorado and she suggested an old rubber tire. Of course being a homestead I've got a few of those that are in rough shape kicking around. Normally we use them for the burn pit to really make it go but heck. A few for the cattle shouldn't be too bad.

I thought to myself, if a tire would do, what would some boxes do too?

Aaaaaaaannnnddd it was a hit!




Source: Mine

The cattle have been pushing these boxes and tire around for the last hour having the time of their lives. The boxes will be wrecked soon. So I'll have to stop by the grocery recycling bin in town at some point and pick up some more.

But in the meantime it was a HUGE hit!

And we thought only cats & kids could truly appreciate the joy of the box! 😘


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