Harvesting and Gifting the Last sets of my Vegetables to Friends and Neighbors

in Homesteading4 months ago

Hello Hive


Today I have spared my neighbors the few cents they could have used to purchase some vegetables from the market by gifting them these veggies from the garden harvest. This makes me feel really fulfilled.


At first, when I planted this garden, I didn't have it in mind that the veggies would be useful for someone outside of myself alone, but after successfully growing these jute mallows to the maximum height attainable, I need to harvest the garden and replant again. There is no need to keep overgrown vegetables. Harvesting everything means that I have to share with others since I cannot finish it alone.

It seems like I will be needing a harvest basket 🧺

I have called my neighbors who enjoy this traditional soup to come and vegetables enough for their dinner. Not having enough time for myself has personally delayed me from preparing some jute mallow soup myself. And it's a good thing to see that the veggies can be equally useful to people around me.


Indeed, this small portion of land has grown enough veggies to provide soup for a few families, teaching me not to overlook some of these little gardening exercises. This is what the gardening journey for the month of May looks like. All of these started in the month of April, when I planted three different species of vegetables. The African spinach, Lagos spinach, and this jute mallow outperformed all the others.

Included in the garden is also the Fluted Pumpkin, which I have been very impressed with. After a first failed attempt, I have successfully planted a quality seed that is thriving here.

Fluted pumpkins may take like 2–3 months before we can begin to harvest their vegetables.



I have learned a whole lot from this exercise, and since the rains aren't heavy yet, I will like to replenish the garden with a new set of seeds. There are probably some new species different from these ones to learn more about the different species of veggies one can grow at home. Hopefully, I will gather enough knowledge that can be used to grow vegetables on a larger scale.


Aside the Lagos spinach and African spinach that I lost due to infestation every other item in the garden flourished very well.


The yams are fresh and green too shooting up stems and climbing up typical of a root climber. It needs some arrangements to be done on it so that it can form a healthy growing shade.


All of these veggies are now harvested and it's time to look out for some new seeds.


it is a good thing to grow vegies at home, great.

You have always given me motivations to move, thanks for the great work you are doing, now your friends and neighbors are beneficiaries of you good work, God bless you, please continue in your good doing.