
faithful living in another land.

the dream of the nwachukwus watch to live and work abroad. when they are applications were eventually granted they are Joy knew no bounds getting aboard they discovered that line was not what they thought it was actually his. India new country many values that the head so I met nothing to the people. within a twinkle of an eye they begin to feel estranged. at a point the thought of going back home but going back home could have been an option but for their determination to make it in the foreign land was stronger and greater.

if we are to look at the life of the Israelite the Israelite found themselves in a four-wheel and where the language and culture of the people were different from theirs. instead of feeling a strange god sent work to them for them to settle down postpone their as they also seek the peace and prosperity of the Land.

if we are to look at the life of the believer the world is a foreign land as 1st Peter 2:11 said real god requires us to be faithful to him but many people are not following the part and parcel in which god want them to follow.

Jesus says that though we are in this world we are not of this world what Jesus was trying to say with this statement was at our citizenship is in heaven our heavenly culture and language are different from this world but accepts entities of evil in this world we must be faithful to the lord. we should contribute to the peace and progress of the world we live in we should pray for The Peace of your community and live at peace with your neighbours.

this present pandemic can serve as a great opportunity to pray for the world as the world needs serious prayer we should pray for The Peace of the community we are leaving in and also pray for the peace and leave or so at peace with your neighbours during this time.

do not be among those who destroy public properties as it is common nowadays or divert public funds to private pockets as this is a major concern for the whole world.

pay your tags and be active in your community development because the prosperity of your country affect your own prosperity.

the wise work for the peace of their community but the foolish destroy and cause trouble for the community are you a active player in your community are you leading by example for others to follow or are you living life others will rebuked.

check your life today.

always live as salt and light.

a blogger makes a list of 30 most beautiful light houses across the world which have become centre of Attraction for tourism or tourist rather.

but lighthouses are not billed for tourism they are not meant to be admired a loan a lighthouse is 8 hour with a bright light at the top located at an important or dangerous place on waterways to guide sheep and warn them of danger that is what the light as it is build of or for rather.

just like lighthouses coasters are called to be light to wayfarers in a crooked and perverse world. in a world of relativism where are someone said there is no right or it is all in your mind it is not what you do but how you do it beside everyone's doing it so do it that is a police statement to think of or to dwell upon.

as a believer who carries the light of the world and who is a representative of God in this world we are to be short and we all know that salt preserve the world from decay.

and we also season it by making it better full stop as light we are also to drive away that list and provide direction for people treading on dangerous and various part of their life.

we all know what light always do it prevents from falling and serve as a direction for people trending on dangerous part when light appears definitely darkness disappeared.

as good is becoming bad and bad is becoming the norm in the world many are confused but Jesus the light of the world has placed you here to dispel darkness and give people direction may you show us light that will never let go or whether that will never go there and may your presence whoever you go make life better for those around.

as a Christian we are expected to be the light of the world we are also expected to be the salt of the world.

when light shines darkness disappeared like I have said earlier now check your life are you a light to the world around you or you are such as a darkness around you.

make a decision today and correct your path.

wherever you find yourself, try to be the light that shine and dominate the darkness and also wherever you find yourself, be the salt that will preseve ot from decaying.

let people look at your life and glorified your father in heaven instead of rebuking you and causing shame to your father in heaven.

God is always happy when we are the light and salt of this world but whenever we choose to be the opposite, he is always unhappy and sad over your life.

if God should check your life, will He be happy concerning your life or will He be sad concerning your life.

make the right decision today and you will see a position turn around in your life and everything surrounding you.

remain bless.


Good write up. Do not forget the lord thy GOD. wherever you may be at any time