
Watched the whole 1.5 hour show recording lol! A great start into the day :-)

So cool, thanks for watching man!!

So true about liking and trusting. People want to buy from people they like and trust.

Yup, it's the great separator of fortunes...I believe that so much so it's why I think you need to always work on getting people to..know, like and trust ya :)

Although discussions are focused on business growth I think having a hive blog is a business in itself. Blogging daily myself and still trying to break the barrier of getting content where others appreciate it and earn upvotes. Definitely not easy from the start and have to build trust and liking audience. Thanks.

Absolutely it is. I believe that too.

Content creator is a very viable business!

It's definitely true that people need to get out of the mindset that apps are free. Instead they should think I am using this app because it pays me. Data is going to be vital to every single application out there as AI improves.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And that's why this blockchain is so important....We own the data!

Good content man, trust is key I think I will need to load up on some more CTP

Appreciate you man, thank you!

The support means a lot!

We talk about "know, like and trust", but I think that we often don't put enough emphasis on the "know" part. On the one side, it's not necessarily a Field of Hive Dreams out there where if you post it, they will come. Why would someone want to read your post? Does your headline get their attention? Is your content something that interests them? If everyone is just posting miscellaneous stuff out there, what makes your stuff stand out? Somebody has to read your stuff in order to get to know you. On the flip side, people will also get to know you if you are commenting on their stuff...I mean real, engaging comments. Think about it. How do you get to know someone offline? By talking to them. Comments are your communication. Get to know people. Find out what makes them tick. Then they will be in a position to like and trust you.

I wonder what's keeping who stayed behind from the affiliate marketing industry. Especially when you mention the kind of conversion rates you're getting. Ok... they may still prefer fiat over crypto, but when you're talking conversion rates, that should click in their minds, because that's the driving force of their business models.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta