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RE: How many posts do you create per week?

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago

I know I'm not doing what I would like to do but I am getting them out as quick as I can.

I would say that I post about 3 times a week on average. I truly would like to make about 10 post a week.

I do my weekly goals and that's without a given. Right now I'm on a 30 day challenge & I'm working on my 'Tokens On My Radar' Series where I've been getting maybe 2 posts a week on that. I only have about 2 weeks left in my challenge so that will put me back a little unless I can swoop right in with other content I've been thinking about doing.

Some days I manage to get 2 posts in but that's very rare. but if I can just dive into one post after the other, I figure I could get the 10 in easily. However, life always seem to get in the way, there's always something that needs to be done that takes me away from what I want to be doing, which is sit here and create.

It's not easy doing what you want. You still got to eat & sleep and take care of yourself and for some family. For me it's just me and my husband and he knows when to leave me alone.



There is always a gap between what we want and what we can. I think it's important to be realistic and find a sustainable way to make our posts. I think it's better to create consistently 3 posts per week rather than make 10 posts one week and then none for a month :-)

I do agree! Although I can't get in the 10 I would like I just deal with it by starting my next post as soon as I finish one. This way even with life's ups & downs, I manage that 3-4 every week & I try to keep that consistency to build upon. I figure life won't always be like this, it's gotta slow down at some point.


4 credits added for the liotes ranking