[ES] [EN] Un visitante inesperado en mi patio / An unexpected visitor in my backyard

in Photography4 years ago
En estos tiempos de cuarentena he tenido la oportunidad de estar por mas tiempo en el patio de mi casa y mientras observaba las plantas que mi papá tiene sembradas me encontré con este pequeño gusano, que no tengo ni idea de que clase es o que nombre tiene y le tomé una foto con mi teléfono, Redmi Note 8 Pro en modo manual y luego la retoque un poco con photoshop CC 2018.

In these times of quarantine I have had the opportunity to spend more time in my backyard and while I was looking at the plants that my dad has planted, I found this little worm, I have no idea what class it is or what name it has and I took a photo with my phone, Redmi Note 8 Pro in manual mode and then I touched it up a bit with photoshop CC 2018.



Wow, that is really strange. I have no idea what it is, as well. Nice shot!

Thanks bro.

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