Daily and Fresh(9 /366)floral walk/ Diario y fresco (9/366) Paseo floral

in Photography4 years ago

Daily and Fresh(9 /366)floral walk/ Diario y fresco (9/366) Paseo floral

Hola amigos y acompañantes del reto #Diarioyfresco del amigo @gamer00
Hello friends and companions of the #DailyandFresh from friend @gamer00


Poder salir un rato para conseguirse este paseo de flores, es encantador, disfrutarlo esta en cada persona.

Being able to go out for a while to get this flower walk, it is charming, enjoy it in each person.


Poder fotografiar nuestro entorno y compartirlo por acá es lo que me llamo la atención en este reto del amigo @gamer00 su idea original, tomar la foto y comentar cómo fue realizada, compartir alguna historia de ella.
Su nuevo proyecto #dailyandfresh va por el post119/366

Being able to photograph our environment and share it around here is what caught my attention in this challenge of the friend @gamer00 his original idea, take the photo and comment on how it was made, share some story of it.
His new project #dailyandfresh goes for him post119/366


Las fotografías fueron tomadas con mi celular Motorola G4 con luz de día.

The pictures were taken with my Motorola G4 cell phone in daylight.

Location/Ubicación: Barcelona, Estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela.



Agradecida con el obsequio maravilloso HIVE blogger del amigo @sgt-dan


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Beautiful flower,

Very friendly, a hug, enjoy the beautiful nature on every walk @hsidik

Beautiful flower.
An I love the animation of the bees. :)

Thank you, I help my son do it, I don't know how to do it alone

Obrigado, ajudo meu filho a fazer isso, não sei fazer sozinho

@steemean Abraços

Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Curated by @blessed-girl


Agradecida con su bella visita @dsc-r2cornell, un abrazote.