Is it possible to survive in this world without money?

in dPoll3 years ago

Is it possible to survive in this world without money?

Greetings friends!

Is it possible to survive in this world without money?

I am not asking about living somehow. I am asking about living a decent life. I have seen that without money nobody cares for us and even our close friends and relatives desert us. Hospitals, courts, transportation, food, water supply every such services and commodities are available after spending money. Despite of it, there may be some possibilities. If you have any experience, feel free to share it thorough your comments. Please try to elaborate as well when you select the option below.

  • Yes.

  • No.

  • Can't say.

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  • Can't say.

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  • No.

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  • Can't say.

No , it is not possible. We need money in every single step

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  • Can't say.

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  • Can't say.

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  • No.

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  • Yes.

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  • No.

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  • No.