Are you eligible to receive 9th Untamed Airdrop?

in dPoll3 years ago

Are you eligible to receive 9th Untamed Airdrop?

It's time for another airdrop. Beatrix Ironhand is her name. It's 9th time we are getting these airdrops as Splinterlands investors (because many of us here play the game as an investment even more than the fun & entertainment - not saying game isn't entertaining, but it's way more than that)

It's the 13t addition to the Epic Cards of Untamed Edition. At 1st sight I didn't think much of it until I came to see the newest ability in the game.Take a look:

What makes her really unique, however, is her new ability - Close Range. The Close Range ability means that she can use her ranged attack in the first position on the battlefield! This will allow her much more versatility as far as positioning, and with the Thorns ability she may even be able to take out some melee attackers when she gets into first position.

This ability changes everything you'd think from the stats. It's probably the lowest Mana cost card with Cripple ability that reduce the max health of monsters per each attack.

Only A Few Days Left At Max

  • Each pack you purchased from Splinterlands has 1.538% chance of getting an airdrop of Beatrix Ironhand.
  • That's 1 in 65 cards
  • Splinterlands says "players will be GUARANTEED to receive at least one Beatrix Ironhand card for every 65 packs they have purchased"
  • 2% of the cards will be Gold Foil

  • I'm eligible for 1 guaranteed card

  • I'm eligible for 2-10 guaranteed cards

  • I'm eligible for 10-20 guaranteed cards

  • I'm eligible for 20-50 guaranteed cards

  • I'm eligible for 50-100 guaranteed cards

  • I'm eligible for 100+ guaranteed cards

  • I've bought less than 100 Untamed Booster Packs

  • I'm not eligible for any airdrop rewards

  • I don't play Splinterlands

Answer the question at


I don't play Splinterlands, cause I don't know how :(

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nothing worry about that 😄
Go to and start login with Keychain. You can learn and play for free. You only have to pay if you want to start earning rewards. It's free to try 👍

How do I pay and start earning?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Go to the shop section of the game (it's on top left corner of the page) and you'll see the option to purchase. You can pay with crypto or take the PayPal option to pay with your credit/debit card.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh OK, Thanks

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Voted for

  • I'm eligible for 2-10 guaranteed cards

Voted for

  • I'm eligible for 10-20 guaranteed cards

Voted for

  • I don't play Splinterlands

Voted for

  • I'm eligible for 2-10 guaranteed cards

Voted for

  • I'm not eligible for any airdrop rewards

Voted for

  • I'm eligible for 1 guaranteed card

I have 126 eligible packs. Can't wait for the airdrop!

Voted for

  • I'm not eligible for any airdrop rewards