Which one would you like to choose above the other ?

in dPoll3 years ago

Which one would you like to choose above the other ?

Power is one of the most crucial things that is helping us to keep moving and keep doing all of the actions we are undertaking. Electricity is undoubtedly the most important source with which things run today.

And we are also requiring the same when we are on the move which is solved by the batteries.

Which factor do you like more ?

  • Faster Charging speeds

  • Bigger Battery Capacity

Answer the question at dpoll.xyz.


Voted for

  • Faster Charging speeds

Voted for

  • Bigger Battery Capacity

Voted for

  • Bigger Battery Capacity

Voted for

  • Faster Charging speeds

Voted for

  • Bigger Battery Capacity

Voted for

  • Bigger Battery Capacity