Do you disinfect what you buy/used?

in dPoll4 years ago

Do you disinfect what you buy/used?

Heath is killing.

I always park my car in the sun. I like a hot car. A hot seat is a relief for my back. Now it turns out I have a disinfected car too.

Do you own a car?
If you are afraid of the Coronavirus or any other virus I have great news for you.
We all know the sun disinfects and it's a great tool to use to fight viruses.
From now on simply park your car in the sun and not only your car will be disinfected (free from Coronavirus or any other virus) in 20 minutes time or faster (it depends on the temperature inside) but so will everything you want to disinfect.

How long can the Coronavirus (Covid19) live on:
Paper: 1 day
Plastic and stainless steel: three days

At a temperature of 54 degrees Celsius 99,9% of the virus is killed within 20 minutes. With a temperature of 65 degrees Celsius viruses are killed within 5 minutes.

By 25 degrees Celsius it's easily 50°C in your car! If you have a dryer it's good for 54°C too.

What we know by now.
It's easier to catch a virus inside as outside.
Heath kills.

More info about heath killing you can read here.
It's a good reason to use your car more frequently or buy one instead of using dirty, public transport (with us very expensive).

Do you disinfect what you buy/used?
I never did it and will never do it. I do not wash my clothes I visited a shop with either.

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I don't even bother. 🤪

Me neither but I read stories about people disinfecting everything, washing clothes once back home and taking a shower... To be honest I doubt it helps.

Tell me about it... I've heard about some people even washing the money bills and coins, one by one. 🙃

Really? What a waste of time. I pay as much as posdible with cash again and I will not drop dead if I touch money or something else.
Money might stink but nothing has changed if it comes to that and no one ever cares about the other (corona) viruses. 💕

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Dpes it help, you already did it or does disinfecting makes you fear the virus less?

It reduces my fear of the virus. Honestly though I have no idea how effective it really is.

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Thank you. 👍🏻

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I clean with soap or alcohol anything that came from the market, and take a bath and clean my clothes immediately after returning home.

May I ask why?

There is a chance that the virus sticks on your skin, clothes, and the products that you bought. According to (independent) research, the virus responsible for COVID-19 sticks on surfaces for a long time, though they can't make you sick unless they enter your nose/mouth/eyes/ears. That's why I clean immediately to minimize the risk of disease.

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