sopa de habas - Bean soup

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)

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Good afternoon, dear Hive family, I want to share with you this recipe for bean soup which contains the great nutritional property Broad beans provide large doses of energy, protein and dietary fiber, important to protect the mucosa of the colon and combat the accumulation of toxic substances in the system. digestive.


Buenas tardes querida familia Hive quiero compartirles esta receta de sopa de habas la cual contiene la gran propiedad alimenticia Las habas aportan grandes dosis de energía, proteínas y fibra dietética, importante para proteger la mucosa del colon y combatir la acumulación de sustancias tóxicas en el aparato digestivo.


Retiramos la cascara

We remove the shell





As you can see in the video, it is very easy to separate it from its shell.

Como pueden observar en el video es muy sencillo separarla de su cascara


Las sumergimos en agua y las colocamos a hervir a fuego alto

We immerse them in water and bring them to a boil over high heat


Cortamos en cuadritos papa blanca, plátano verde y cebolla larga.

Dice white potato, green banana and long onion.


Los aliños de mi preferencia los he mezclado para que se me facilite día a día preparar mis alimentos, sal, tomillo, orégano, pimienta, achote, cúrcuma.

I have mixed the dressings of my preference to make it easier for me to prepare my food every day, salt, thyme, oregano, pepper, achote, turmeric.


Ready our dish to the table nutritious and delicious

Listo nuestro plato a la mesa nutritivo y delicioso


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#nauralmedicine #gems #ocd #cervantes #posh #curie #entropia

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Yummm. 😋

Bookmarked to make soon!

Thanks so much for sharing the recipe with us.

It looks delicious and I can't wait to try it!

Hi how are you?.
Tell me how it went with the preparation of the soup?

Oh I still have food left to eat and cannot afford to waste it by buying and cooking more so it's going to have to wait until I do need to cook more, but as soon as I do, I will let you know!

Thank for checking.