Be/Do/Have – A Graphic of The Triad of Spirituality

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)
Authored by @John Huckel

This is Original Content first posted here by at the request of and written by @matrix-8 John Huckel. All Hive rewards to New Age DApps Community

Be/Do/Have – A Graphic of
The Triad of Spirituality
John Huckel
24 Feb21


Think of a lone Point. It has no dimensions. And since there is no other Point, it has no coordinates – no Location, no Space. And without another Point, there can be no interplay – and therefore, no Motion, no Time.

This is my mathematical image of God. All potential is invisible within that zero volume of the Point; all Space contained in no Space; all Time where there is no Time; and all Things where there is nothing. From that Source Point each of us springs.

That I am, is the highest of Certainties. I do not presume to have any insight into God, nor the magic of Life, but I know that I exist. I call my awareness of HereNow, the Current Life Experience (CLE). And, each iteration of it can be reduced to the sentence, I am experiencing this. (I = Be; am experiencing = Do; and this = Have.) All that I have to say springs from that Certainty.

And I know that I am not any of the Things that I experience. I use the word Spirit to differentiate myself from those Things. And although I will never know for certain – I assume that you are like me, and that likewise, all plants and other animals are like me too. We all run bodies of one type or another; and we are all involved in the Game of Life. Further, I assert that you and I, and all living entities share a common source in God. None of us is God, but rather – each of us is like a unique Ray of qualities extending from God. In a mathematical analogy, we start from the Zero of God, and no matter at what Point we currently exist along that Line extending from God, in that existence we have each arrived at our mathematical value of One, at our particular This, HereNow.

Now think of the Locus of Points that would describe the smallest sphere with that godly Point as its center. Doppelgangers and identical twins notwithstanding, each of us has a unique place on the surface of that sphere. Our Point on the sphere is like a unique static godly viewpoint, shining outward. It would be our first #1. And those two Points—0 & 1—describe an eternal, unique Ray or Line. We all share our Source Point at 0, then we establish our unique Selves at the first #1, and we continue to repeatedly arrive at a new HereNow, a new Endpoint, which is always the last #1 so far.

And in the seemingly never-ending HereNow, the number One describes the temporal and spacial interface between the qualitative You, and the quantitative Things upon which you have your attention. Everything you are now perceiving, and everything you are now speculating, is that interface with the Real World – the Endpoint of One. You are currently creating your take on the Real World, HereNow at One – the Current Life Experience. And just as your first HereNow extended directly from God – so does this one.

The Be, Do, Have of Spirit
  • Regarding Be, there is a Source Point A – God. Point A = 0
  • For Do, there is a Line extending from A – the Independent Spirit (IS). The mathematical notation for this Line would be, (0,1] – indicating that the Line does not include 0, but is the first point beyond zero, ending at and including 1.
  • And for Have, there is an Endpoint B – the Spirit Identity (SId). Point B = 1.

Be Have Do Graphic.JPG

Lines and Points on Lines

Each time you focus your attention on something new (a new set of Things), you create a new Endpoint. You do that by differentiating within the One of the Current Life Experience. And each differentiation is its own unique Kodak Moment. You as Spirit Identity digitize what is otherwise an analog flow of You the Independent Spirit. You as the Independent Spirit are like a static viewpoint regarding the river of Life. You as the Spirit Identity are like moment-to-moment reportage regarding where you have just gotten to on the river.

You, as the Line—the Independent Spirit—are ever constant. You are a unique godly quality; you are from God. Meanwhile, through the magic of the Life Experience, you extend yourself quantitatively Endpoint by Endpoint. And in so doing, You, the unchanging Independent Spirit express yourself as the Spirit Identity of the moment. The fact That you are, as the Line is expressed as Who you are, the Endpoint, the Spirit Identity, in any Life Experience. As you interface with the ever-changing Real World, your Spirit Identity is the qualitative statement of Who you are being in each Kodak Moment. The Spirit Identity is digital – each Endpoint is distinct from each other. In contrast, That you are, is the constancy of awareness of yourself as a static viewpoint. It is analog.

Types of Things

But, there are two types of Things making up the this, that you experience as the Real World. There is the phenomenal; and there is the epiphenomenal. Phenomena are those Things that you perceive via your body's Perceptions; Epiphenomena are those things that you create via your Speculations. Both Phenomena and Epiphenomena are mental projections created by the Mentality of the brain. Both are Thoughts, and they are both Things. (I.e., they are not You. You are Spirit looking; they are Things being seen.)

The above assertions can be seen as logical within the set of arguments of Solipsism. Consider the fact that your Current Life Experience may be just a dream. I know of no logical way you can prove it is not. Normally, Phenomena is assigned more importance than Epiphenomena. But, from the vantage point of a dream, Epiphenomena is truly all there is. Phenomena is reduced to just a distant dream within the dream.

Now and Then

But as we dream in our Current Life Experience, it seems we go beyond HereNow. However, we do not. For better or worse, in Life, we are always HereNow. From HereNow we can remember pasts and/or imagine futures; but all that woolgathering takes place in the present. You can easily see that those Thoughts of pasts and futures are both epiphenomenal. While they are both HereNow as Epiphenomena, neither is HereNow as Phenomena.

As a Seeker on the trek towards God, it is important that you know all your Selves. It is critical that you recognize the unchanging static viewpoint of your Self the Independent Spirit – not just your Self the ever-changing Spirit Identity. You as the Independent Spirit, make the connection between your Self the Spirit Identity and God.

HereNow is vital, and ThereThen is not. When we get stuck in the ThereThens of the pasts and/or the futures, and operate as if they were HereNow in the present, we are to that degree crazy. Untangling HereNow from the ThereThens leads to greater and greater sanity.

The whole of regression therapy can be reduced to the separation of HereNow from some psychically stuck ThereThen. And I think the goals of meditation across different religions, and to some degree prayer within Christianity, are seeking the same end. But, traditional religions seem to focus on only 2/3 of the Triad of Spirituality – God, and the Spirit Identity, i.e., the Source Point and the Endpoint. I am here focusing your attention on your Self as the Independent Spirit: that godly Ray, or Line. I want to help you recognize the existence of both you, the Independent Spirit (the Line), and you the Spirit Identity (the Endpoint). And then invite you to differentiate between those Yous.

Collapsing back to God

On a physical level, individualized Things can be dissolved into the Volumes they describe. The 3D Volume, can then be described as a 2D Plane; the Plane as a 1D Line; and the Line into the zero of a Point. All the mathematically symbolized HereNows of One lose their digitized specificity, and blend into the analog signal separating One from Zero. And all disappearing into the Zero of God.

You can experience the value of this cosmology, if on close inspection, you experience your take on your Self as the Spirit Identity collapsing into your Self the Independent Spirit. And from there you can imagine your unique Ray collapsing back into the undifferentiated spiritual glow of God.

Bon voyage!

John Huckel (@matrix-8) is the designer of The Matrix-8 Solution, a Community Consensus & Voting System, which uses a bottom up, multi-level, anonymous system which concentrates accords, thus returning Power to the People. Find out more from the posts in the New Age DApps Community, and please Subscribe if you like what you see.

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 3 years ago  

What an interesting read, I was left pondering many aspects of it. Very ingenious way of defining God and Spirit through a mathematical equation. Thank you very much for this gift. Blessings ✨

Thanks for your feedback. John has many other interesting writings. I mentioned in the "outro" about the work we are doing to bring into being a Community Consensus & Voting Solution, to potentially solve many world issues. Perhaps you would care to take a look ..


Posted via D.Buzz

 3 years ago  

Thanks for the invitation, I will gladly review that proposal 🙏🏻.