
I'm not one of us beautiful humans who knows facts and figures and scientific terms for things: I know the energy and the beauty and feeling of things though!


The language of a fruit like these fresh local figs, brought to me by the man who I recently split up with after 3 years together... there's profound healing and symbolism in his gifting me these.


He knows that they're a sacred fruit to me, and that as an artist their colours and sensuality inspire me enormously... Even if they also have a sexual connotation! I imagine this isn't the only country where the name for fig also refers to a yoni 😍


They are from a friend of his, passed on as a shared harvest - I often comment that I am paid in fruit for the gifts that I bring to/ share with the Italian town that I've made home... It's not a direct transaction, and is all the more beautiful, natural, connecting and meaningful because of this...


The receiving of the figs is a powerful nourishment and joy for me, on so many levels!
Sometimes I feel that talking about the vitamin and mineral 'facts' of a food like this can be distracting ;-) when the real power lies in our deep, wide, sentient enjoyment of a food: the profound satiation of filling one's tummy, eyes, mind and heart: the depth of gratitude for being interwoven.



Now I'm hoping and praying that my fig tree will take and begin to grow well this spring!

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Mmmm - blessings on your fig tree!