The veils are busting


Photo by me

This was too easy


When I got the idea to start growing mushrooms, I had no idea it would be so easy. Maybe I just got lucky, or it was the growing discipline that I had learned from growing cannabis, but it just seems like mushrooms are super easy to grow.


Photo by me

Last night, I had one mushroom that's veil had popped, so I picked it. Now this morning when I woke up, there were so many more that were ready to go. Right now they are pretty big, but I put them in the dehydrator and I am wondering how much they are going to shrink.


Photo by me

I have a timer set for 6 hours from now and I will be checking on them when it is over. It is recommended to dry them in the dehydrator for about 8 hours, but I just want to make sure they don't get too dry and crispy. I am sure that throughout the day there will be a lot more that are going to be ready to be harvested as well, and I can add them to another level in the dehydrator.


Photo by me

You can see in the photo above that some of the veils have popped and they are ready. You want to harvest them right after the veil pops, or even right before, because that is when they are at their max potency.


Photo by me

There are a couple different ways you can harvest them. You can either grab them from the bottom of the stem and twist and pull them up, or you can choose to cut the stem just above the substrate. Either of them is fine, but I have chosen to just pull them out so that I don't have a stem block or anything still in the substrate. As far as the crap on the bottom of the stem, you just brush it off as it is drying.


Photo by me

I am interested to see if more mushrooms will just keep popping up over the next few days too. I will be needing to check on the tub every hour throughout the day because these things grow really fast now and the veils will be popping all day long.



I injected some more grain with some Panaeolus cyanescens spores, so in about 2 months or so, I will be harvesting those and adding them to my collection. I am excited about those ones because they are supposed to be a pretty potent magic mushroom strain.

I am excited to be able to use these mushrooms as a replacement for my medications I was taking. I have been off my medication for a few months now and I actually started weening off of them when I started growing mushrooms. I still have some pretty bad withdrawal symptoms every now and then, which just solidifies the need to get off of the pharmaceutical medications.


Interesting post, facinating to watch them grow and enjoy you walking us through the process. Contemplating trying myself maybe at some point.

You should. There are a lot of medical benefits to microdosing mushrooms and it is a lot easier to grow than I thought it would be.

Nice post but how do mushrooms serve as a substitute for your medications? As in what role do they play?

Good job🤩.

Good for you, I’m studying a holistic health therapy right now and Mushrooms/Fungi will become the future of health in so many ways <3 My teacher has set up several scientific experiments with the ingredient beta glucanes and can’t wait to see the results :-) Cheers, hope they work for you!

Thanks. Over the years, I have been looking at different ways to get rid of all the pharmaceutical meds. I am going to be taking some of them in a few hours once they are dried out. That will be the true test to figure out if I did it correctly.

Dude, these look amazing! The first macro shot is insane, they are all great, but that is my favorite.

Thanks homie.

Those look like cigarette sticks 😅

Magic cigarettes

Aye, haha.

Hope you're well?

Are you sure it's just point and click the button?😅

Yep. That's all I ever do.

Nice, I would have never dry them like that.

I have heard people doing this with cannabis now to🤔.

When I get some spores I'll be sure to ask you ALOT of questions

Drying cannabis in a dehydrator sounds a bit odd. It may activate some of the cannabinoids. Maybe if you are drying them to use for infusing or something, that could work, but for long term storage, I don't think it would be a good idea. I hope you are able to get some shroom spores soon. They are awesome and it is super easy to grow.

 3 years ago  

Beauties, I hope these fungi help with your withdrawal symptoms. I remember trying to grow mushrooms 20+ years ago in small aquariums. The methods and techniques just weren't there yet, but I had some limited success. Cross-contamination was almost unavoidable in the space I was living though.

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