Lotus Love Challenge, Rituals Wisdom Culture Love


Greetings all, I am hoping last week was the tip of the iceberg for you, and that you will bathe in the realization and expansiveness of your Soul’s Purpose this week. I noticed many new on-boarders recently to #NaturalMedicine, #LeoFinance and #Hive #Blockchain. I hope you find your peace of mind and become as optimistic as I am! It is kind of a no-brainer to earn and blog share what you learn and what you are passionate about. Today I would like to make my entry into a new Natural Medicine Challenge; I will be combining the energies of Ritual in Love.

In my spiritual journey, I have learned that your intentions and the frequency that you hold yourself into has everything to do with your outcome of reality and experience… a necessary part in creating this is having a community of loved ones around you who are rooting for you and cheering you on, but if this doesn’t happen, you can always rely on yourself.

The pass, I know there is a better way, I will find it within.

This is a technique I learned from a friend and mentor Sadiki Barkari. I downloaded the template he showed me and filled in the blanks for myself. there have to be a better way to thieve in life, I had to control the rudder of my Soul ship. There was a point in my life when things were going, but it was not going the way I thought it should go. I put focus and intention to work for me, and envisioned a vivid future ahead of me, and let that vision pull me towards it. After about a month’s time of the training in this technique, I had a breakthrough and an epiphany, a self-realization moment that is always with me until this day, and all that’s required for me to do is to think about it.
Here was my process: When I was not feeling right or uncomfortable or not centered or balanced, I would take notice of this feeling, then I would think about something joyful; I would then go look into the mirror and study what I see, feel and study what I feel, and make a mental note, and change the frequency just by thinking back to a joyful happy time looking in the mirror and I tell myself, “I love you! I love myself!” I would say this repeatedly to myself every day with deep focus, intention, and attention. Then the miraculous happened… the more I said it, I would begin to feel the love within me while looking at myself in the mirror; then starts an auto-feedback loops of energy. Why? It is because we are energetic beings so you can deprogram/reprogram and program yourself, so activate your inner and sovereign power and reprogram yourself to vibrate at a higher frequency. Our bodies are made up of mostly water as Dr. Masaru Emoto shares with his water experiments and pictures that demonstrates what the power of our words and intentions can do. The buzz now, many scientists and doctors are saying that we can program our DNA with our voice. DNA is voice activated? (wow think about that)! Since our DNA is voice activated, just imagine what can change and be activated by your voice in the state of joy and love with your intention that you put into it.
Although this is wild, crazy and simple, all we must do is be joyful and think positive things. It is no wonder that the media keeps pumping negative energies into our mouths, eyes and ears gates for so many years now; it’s sad to say that many in society have been dumbed down and controlled by a very small few who understands the arcane wisdoms and knowledge and lead people astray. We must take our power back and redefine ourselves and use this wisdom and knowledge to recreate reinvent and restructure our societies for the higher good of all.

The present, cultivating spiritual wisdom.

This technique covers Wisdom, Ritual, Culture and Love.
The RITUAL aspect is this is something you do to achieve your objective routinely in a certain space.
The LOVE aspect is when you tell yourself, “I love myself” that you are genuinely loving yourself by taking a moment to practice self-care, be self-aware and love who you are and what you represent.
The CULTURE aspect of this technique is that you are building a culture by creating a new mindset, one that you can easily share with others to change theirs; I feel culture is something that you do, wear, and embody; it is a Universal Mindset.
The WISDOM aspect of this technique is that the knowledge base you build, and the understanding that you acquire by applying this technique.
I never would have thought that I will be blogging about some of the techniques and spiritual wisdom that I learned through the years, especially one that shifted and forever changed my life that always supports me and those who learn this technique, but here I am! Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts about Wisdom, Ritual, Culture and Love.
Natural medicine has a Instagram page now, stop by and say hello, I will see you there @4_4lewis

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io