Daily Runes - Accomplishments // Runas Diarias - Logros

in Natural Medicine3 years ago


Always celebrate what progress

I've been establishing my home workout routine for a while now. It's been tough for me to train enough Discipline to regularize the process but I'm already manifesting it by focusing my physical efforts and my meditation on the abdomen like never before. The results have been spectacular and although there's still a lot of work to do, I feel quite fine with what I've been achieving. The best of all is that strengthening and expanding the core and the Solar Plexus offers benefits of willpower that are verified not only in the workout but in all other areas of my life, so that I can sustain any process even better than I used to and that's magnificent.

Additionally, insects sporadically slip into my bedroom, unavoidable because I won't cover my window with a net that could interrupt the light and I live pretty high up in my building, so any creature descending from the mountain can easily get here. I used to act like any other person and sprayed them with insecticide or killed them in other ways to get rid of the annoyance, but I realized how terrible it was to harm another form of life merely for convenience, so I no longer attack them but rather bid them welcome when they get in because now I consider them messengers that bring important information. I've even developed a sort of balance with mosquitos and they don't bother me like they did. Last night a scarab got in and was making a ruckus for a few minutes uselessly trying to find the way out. I suspected that it'd fly to my bed and it actually did, but despite the discomfort, I let it be and eventually there was silence, the poor guy fell into an inaccessible space of my room to die. I'll soon fine its body and treat it with honor.

Both experiences give me great pride and sustain my determination. That's what I want to tell you today: whatever work you're currently performing and regardless of the context in which you do so, acknowledge and celebrate the successes you've obtained, focus especially on them and give them as much energy as you can, because the obstacles and hardships already have enough. In this New Moon, I encourage you to plant that seed of satisfaction and self-love, so that all of your projects flourish swiftly and full of beauty.

Siempre celebren el progreso

Tengo un buen tiempo estableciendo mi rutina de ejercicios en casa. Me ha costado entrenar la Disciplina suficiente para regularizar el proceso pero ya la estoy manifestando al enfocar mis esfuerzos físicos y de meditación en el abdomen como nunca antes. Los resultados han sido espectaculares y aunque queda aún bastante trabajo por hacer, me siento muy bien con lo que he ido logrando. Lo mejor de todo es que fortalecer y expandir el centro de masa y el Plexo Solar ofrece beneficios de voluntad que no sólo se verifican en el ejercicio sino en todas las demás áreas de mi vida, de tal manera que puedo sostener cualquier proceso aún mejor de lo que lo hacía antes y eso es magnífico.

Además, en mi cuarto entran esporádicamente varios insectos, es algo inevitable porque no voy a ponerle una red a la ventana que interrumpa la luz y estoy en un piso muy alto al cual llega fácilmente cualquier criatura que descienda de la montaña. Antes actuaba como cualquier otra persona y les echaba insecticida o los mataba de otras formas para librarme de una molestia, pero me di cuenta de lo terrible que es dañar una forma de vida tan solo por conveniencia, así que ya no los ataco sino que les doy la bienvenida cuando entran pues ahora los considero mensajeros que me traen información importante. Incluso con los zancudos he desarrollado una suerte de equilibrio y ya no me molestan como antes. Anoche entró un escarabajo y estuvo bastante ruidoso por unos minutos intentando vanamente encontrar una salida. Sospechaba que se acercaría a la cama y en efecto así lo hizo, pero a pesar de la incomodidad, lo dejé ser y eventualmente hubo silencio, el pobre cayó en un espacio inaccesible del cuarto a morir. Pronto encontraré su cuerpo y lo trataré con honor.

Ambas experiencias me generan gran orgullo y sustentan mi determinación. Eso es lo que quiero expresarles hoy: cualquiera sea la labor que estén realizando e independientemente del contexto en el que la realicen, reconozcan y celebren los éxitos que han obtenido, concéntrense especialmente en ellos y denles tanta energía como puedan, pues los percances y las dificultades ya tienen suficiente. En esta Luna Nueva, les invito a plantar esa semilla de satisfacción y amor propio, para que todos sus proyectos florezcan con rapidez y plenos de belleza.

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Night Rune: Algiz

I accompany friends and relatives in tasks that they must perform. I hear for the first time reference of a dead aunt.

Daylight message: Laguz inverted

Rains, waterfalls. Blessings of cleansing and understanding descend from heaven to earth. Let be what is, bathe in the waters of patience and quietude, free yourself from expectations, ask forgiveness, forgive and weep if necessary. Do not let anger prevent you from doing what is right. The pain of others is not yours, let go, let go, let go. Do not fear the Final Judgment, work on your prejudices. Distance yourself from the person you think you are, observe yourself with humility and compassion, all arrogance conceals a great dread. Question your reality but do not doubt your Intuition. Your Intuition is Love, it shall forever be unfailing. All emotional feebleness or reactivity must be studied in depth, treat the source of the problem, not its symptoms. The Path of the Soul is the only true one, all else is theatre. Follow your Dharma without drama.

Runa nocturna: Algiz

Acompaño a amigos y parientes en tareas que deben realizar. Escucho por primera vez referencia de una tía fallecida.

Mensaje diurno: Laguz invertida

Lluvias, cascadas. Bendiciones de limpieza y comprensión descienden del cielo a la tierra. Deja ser lo que es, báñate en las aguas de la paciencia y la quietud, libérate de expectativas, pide perdón, perdona y llora si es necesario. Que la ira no te impida hacer lo correcto. El dolor de otros no es el tuyo, suelta, suelta, suelta. No temas el Juicio Final, trabaja en tus prejuicios. Sepárate de la persona que crees que eres, obsérvate con humildad y compasión, toda arrogancia oculta un gran temor. Cuestiona tu realidad pero no dudes de tu Intuición. Tu Intuición es Amor, no falla ni fallará jamás. Todo debilitamiento emocional o reactividad deben ser estudiados con detenimiento, trata la fuente del problema, no sus síntomas. El Camino del Alma es el único cierto, todo lo demás es teatro. Sigue to Dharma sin drama.

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This and all of my daily readings are part of my shamanic service to the community and the whole world.

Esta y todas las lecturas diarias son parte de mi servicio chamánico a la comunidad y al mundo entero.

Para servicios personales / For personal services

drrune#6424 // +584129966082

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I'm still not there yet on having a routine implemented but working on it lol.

Reading about your relationship with insects made me smile. I have developed that a long time ago and I'm trying to bring other people to respect every form of life.

At work I saved all those little fruit flies from drowning in beer. You can revive them by gently blowing on them and feeling their gratitude for doing so was very rewarding. You can bring back any insect back to life after drowning, well if they haven't been in there for too long. I did the same with wasps and I'm telling you, they were grateful too. Never bothered or stung me.

My boss hated me for doing that but he knew when I was working he better don't say anything lol. Felt bad for those little fellas when I wasn't working.

That's such an awesome experience, Anna! Beautiful. I began changing my relationship with insects just a couple of years ago after several revelations. My goal is to eventually let any insect walk on me, as well as spiders.

One time I was in a park and a little spider started to walk on my leg. I let her be for as long as I could, and when she was already approaching my thigh I placed my notebook in an angle so she could climb up, then took her to a nearby tree. When she left the notebook she turned to me, I could feel her eyes on me, she was thankful. Then she went on her business. That experience changed me deeply.

Good to know I can always try to save an insect from drowning, I'll keep that in mind! Thank you!

I do the same, letting them be with me. And years ago I was scared of spiders and meanwhile I let them be as well. We have big ones living here and while I freaked years ago I can handle their presence now.

My revelation I had when reviving my first wasp. I thought she was dead in a glass but somehow I started blowing on her for like a minute. Suddenly she moved again and after a couple minutes she flew away.

I could feel her gratitude so deeply and intense, it was a spiritual moment.

Ever since I started doing that with every insect I found drowning.

It is nice to have another person understand and feel the same about them. Often people think I'm loco and they don't care about insects, saying they don't feel or are dumb.

They are far from being like that and they do have feelings.

I tend to save insects from drowning too, these days and have done so for quite a while.

Fruit flies are happier inside of beer than outside, so I'll let them drown ( just kidding )

The last step to ZEN mastery is to let a mosquito suck your blood and not kill it. That's a tough one, especially if it sits on your face in the dark. I managed to do so once or twice though.

P.S. I still swap flies and mosquito every now and then though. I'm not there yet and ticks and leeches are tough too like too.

I've also allowed mosquitos to suck my blood, just to see if I could. And I once had an amazing experience while meditating, a mosquito was buzzing around me without ever landing on me, and its zooming turned into shamanic humming, it was a wonderful!

That's an amazing story! Love it!

P.S. I was reminded of this post I made about a year ago, playing around with a hypersensitivosaurus story that I penned down in one of my many notebooks:

https://peakd.com/@vincentnijman/kpwsrsqc ( Mrs. Mosquito )

@bulldog-joy you might enjoy this too!

Lol, cute lil story. You sound just like a guy I know from the Netherlands, such a Dutch accent lol.

@drrune to let the mosquito suck is a really big challenge and it takes a lot to do so.

Haha! I speak so many languages that I don't bother about the accent. I guess it's part of me ;<)

Yeah, it's hard to grant a mosquito your blood. It's a parasite after all. It's not like it's a symbiotic relationship and you get something out of it too haha!

Accents are not bad 😁 Some of them suck, some German accents in particular 🤣 .

And I have to disagree with the mosquito issue. It is a symbiotic relationship, you get Malaria, Yellow Fever, Japanese Encephalitis, Dengue Fever, Zika Infection, West Nile Fever...😂

Lol, I hear you. Mosquitos are a pain lol. Luckily we don't have as many so it's easy.

Ticks, yah, Joy is a tick collector but instead of flushing them down the toilet I throw them out of the window.

I mean in nature things get killed, it may be the intention behind it ;)

Sometimes I had the feeling that the fruit flies knew when I was there and got xtra drunk on purpose knowing that I would save them lol.

If we throw everything together we are closer to ZEN than a lot of people out there ;).