Daily Runes and Ancestral Codes // Runas Diarias y Códigos Ancestrales

in Natural Medicine3 years ago

The debts we must clear

Recently, I received some crucial information about a member of my family I did not know well when she was alive. My eldest sister has been in touch with a cousin who currently lives in Chile. She is a survivor of cancer and her mother died of cancer, just like mine. My grandmother often dreams of them, she usually sees them together and dressed in white.

I listened to some audios my cousin sent my sister, she revealed that my aunt was an extremely powerful spiritual channel. She often had prophetic dreams of such an astonishing specificity that her husband and children were unnerved when she announced she had dreamt of something. They even developed an elaborate codex of interpretations based on the signs she saw recurrently in sleep. She also had a Rune set and experienced visions of other kinds. I knew nothing of this. My cousin has inherited some, if not all, of these abilities to some degree, and her perspective (which I support) is that everyone in our family does.

My focus on ancestral memories and bloodlines has been increasingly strong in these past couple of years. The ties to the history of this country are so intricate that only now am I unearthing these secrets. When I heard all of that about my aunt, and considering the previous work I have been doing with the family, I realized I had an important task ahead, aiding some of my relatives cope with this information they are receiving and thus empower the whole family to heal wounds and mend connections. Every time I unveil something about the past, new possibilities arise in the present, so I do this work willingly and gladly.

The majority of our actions, thoughts, emotions and choices are not entirely our own, they are conditioned by these ancestral codes and they all involve unfinished cycles. We are compelled to either explore and untangle these programs, or repeat them with no awareness of what they are.

Las deudas que debemos saldar

Recientemente, recibí cierta información crucial sobre un miembro de mi familia que no conocí bien mientras estuvo con vida. Mi hermana mayor se ha mantenido en contacto con una prima que actualmente vive en Chile. Es una sobreviviente de cáncer y su madre murió de cáncer, como la mía. Mi abuela frecuentemente sueña con ambas, usualmente las ve juntas y vestidas de blanco.

Escuché algunos audios que mi prima le envió a mi hermana, reveló que mi tía era un canal espiritual extremadamente poderoso. Solía tener sueños proféticos de tan asombrosa especificidad que su marido e hijos se preocupaban cuando anunciaba que había soñado algo. Incluso desarrollaron un elaborado sistema de interpretaciones basadas en las señales que veía recurrentemente al dormir. También tenía un set de Runas y experimentaba visiones de otros tipos. Yo no sabía nada de esto. My prima heredo algunas, si no todas, estas habilidades a algún nivel, y su perspectiva (la cual apoyo) es que todo el mundo en nuestra familia las tiene.

Mi enfoque en las memorias ancestrales y líneas de sangre ha sido cada vez más fuerte en los últimos dos años. Las relaciones con la historia de este país son tan intrincadas que sólo ahora estoy extrayendo estos secretos. Cuando escuché todo eso sobre mi tía, y considerando el trabajo previo que he estado haciendo con la familia, me di cuenta de que tenía una importante tarea delante de mí, ayudando a algunos de mis parientes a lidiar con esta información que están recibiendo y así empoderar a la familia entera para sanar heridas y reparar conexiones. Cada vez que develop algo sobre el pasado, se elevan nuevas posibilidades en el presente, así que hago este trabajo voluntaria y felizmente.

La mayoría de nuestras acciones, pensamientos, emociones y elecciones no son totalmente nuestras, están condicionadas por estos códigos ancestrales y todas involucran ciclos inconclusos. Estamos compelidos a bien explorar y desenredar estos programas, o repetirlos sin consciencia de lo que son.

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Night Rune: Eihwaz

Responsibility of attentive preservation. Clean water washing walls and floors. Reunion with people from my past.

Daylight message: Dagaz

Celestial majesty. Every secular law is subordinate to the universal law. Seek guidance in the stars, knowing how to read the stellar map is a valuable tool. Open your eyes and carefully observe the events of your surroundings, everything speaks to you and every sign is useful at some level. No one is alone in this world, we can all rely on ancestral company, on teachers of great power; ask, then, and you shall know. Free yourself from the yoke of the status quo, what has been does not have to continue being. Reconfigure your mind to accept new ideas, it is often not knowledge but perspective that restricts us. Flowing consists in equalizing our times with those of the cosmos.

Runa nocturna: Eihwaz

Responsabilidad de preservación atenta. Agua limpia bañando paredes y pisos. Reencuentros con personas de mi pasado.

Mensaje diurno: Dagaz

Majestad celestial. Toda ley secular se supedita a la ley universal. Busca guía en las estrellas, saber leer el mapa estelar es una herramienta valiosa. Abre tus ojos y observa cuidadosamente los sucesos de tu entorno, todo te habla y toda señal es útil a algún nivel. Nadie está solo en este mundo, todos contamos con compañía ancestral, con maestros de gran poder; pregunta, pues, y sabrás. Libérate del yugo del status quo, lo que ha sido no tiene por qué continuar siendo. Reconfigura tu mente para aceptar nuevas ideas, con frecuencia no es el conocimiento sino la perspectiva lo que restringe. Fluir consiste en igualar tus tiempos a los del cosmos.

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This and all of my daily readings are part of my shamanic service to the community and the whole world.

Esta y todas las lecturas diarias son parte de mi servicio chamánico a la comunidad y al mundo entero.

Para servicios personales / For personal services

drrune#6424 // +584129966082

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“ Every time I unveil something about the past, new possibilities arise in the present, so I do this work willingly and gladly.”

Isn't it fun to unravel? I'm feeling this year has kicked off as a culmination of the last 6-8 years of intense inner and outer exploration for me. It's still rather slow day to day but if I look back a few months, there are such drastic differences in my mood, how I spend my time, how I interact with people etc. s

 3 years ago  

How amazing - I'm always amazed at connections to dead relatives that link us together - I mean, it can't be genetic, or nurture, so it's got to be some kind of inherited energy, right? I mean, I'm like my Nana in many ways but I'm not sure how much she influenced me when she was alive, as I was only young - I find myself wishing I had a time machine to go back and see her as a young woman and talk to her to find out all the things she knew that were lost when she passed.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

Hey sorry for jumping in here :). A great daily Rune post...it is encouraging to find other people that are not making fun of topics like this. Mostly you are ridiculed when bringing up topics like these.

It is parts genetics. They could proof that informations manifests in the DNA and for example with a trauma can change it. But you are right, parts of it is also energy. When we go down to a molecular basis, like the Quarks or String theories, receiving informations like that seems plausible.

I know pretty much nothing about my fams history. My granny passed without talking, my moms fam story is a tough one and it was never talked about, my biol dad left when we were 2 or so, later we got adopted by the new man of my mom.

I just know that I am a lot like my dad and as a toddler he was my fav.

Last time we visited my mom she started to explain a little bit about the family, but it was strange because I couldn't relate to it. And strange in another way because we do inherit a lot of them, the good times and the traumas, and as @drrune says, carry on their legacies often without being aware of it.

@riverflows @bulldog-joy Thank you for your comments! These are really powerful topics for debate.

Two years ago, I was doing something in particular in the street and I was struck by a feeling: my dad had to go through this place and do exactly what I'm doing now, at some point in his lifetime. It was inexplicable and yet, completely natural. Then I began to notice the same feeling in other circumstances, sometimes involving dad, but often also involving other relatives that I know nothing about. I had this keen intuition that someone in my lineage, perhaps my maternal or paternal grandparents, perhaps even further, had been through the precise situation I was in at the moment. That's when I really started investigating my ancestral memories, which requires sorting out my own memories.

And yes, most people "make fun" of these topics, but their mockery holds a great deal of untold anxiety. These practices hit raw nerves and deep conditioning in us, and most people shy away from it with an air of intellectual superiority because they're really afraid of what they can find if they get that deep.

Can you hear the rock falling of my heart? It makes me happy to have found someone to maybe discuss the one or other issue in that field.

I wanna spill everything out that is in me lol.

I have been laughed at so many times and hid my intuition.

I can feel things even though I often don't know what and why. It started being young but until recent years I pushed it away and never got into it.
Now I am slowly becoming more aware of myself and the things around me. And by digging into these topics I realize that some of my experiences weren't just crazy made up things.

With my dad it is similar. My mom hates him to this day, I don't know what had happened between them, just that he left and that I am the only child not being mad at him. My twin and our other half siblings are.

We met him once at the 80 birthday of my grandma and talking to him I discovered some similarities. The way he was thinking, more alternative if you will so, the way he was pursuing his life, on and off like me and not planning. By that time I was practicing WingTsun and he told me he did too and also became a Zen monk. All the stuff I am into as well, even though I couldn't know about it.

Unfortunately we never saw us again and I am not even sure if he is still alive.

Jeez I wanna sit down and talk about that stuff face to face lol.

We all need space to discuss these topics freely, and I'm glad that you feel this community is the right place to do that!

Wow. I feel you could write a book about this. If you aren't already doing this ;<)

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

Hahahaha, not writing it yet, but I also have a lot to talk about regarding this!

We are here to bear the torch lighting the path forward into uncharted territory instead of circling the mazes of the past, love your post have some !wine 🍷

That's so indeed! And thank you for the wine!

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