Daily Runes and the Silent Practice // Runas Diarias y la Práctica Silenciosa

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)

Keeping the Secret

Every mystical tradition in the world involves degrees of initiation that determine the level of knowledge a student is to receive from those more advanced in the practice. From an outsider's perspective, this might sound conveniently elitist, a way to exert control on those with lesser understanding, and indeed, we can see examples of this kind of corruption in every religion and political system in history. However, that is not the original intent of keeping information hidden.

The practices that revolve around the discernment of Nature, God and the Self offer their practitioners tools and skills that can be very harmful if used irresponsibly. This is why the initiates must undergo tests in order to prove that they have the required balance of mind, body and emotion to make use of the knowledge effectively in the service of a higher goal. The teacher (be it a person or another entity) is constantly observing the student to determine whether they can access a deeper layer of comprehension.

This also applies to the relationship we have with ourselves, especially now, when all of the sacred texts and most profound works are out in the open for anyone to find and explore. Although hard and not always possible, it is best to keep silent about what we do with the information we have, unless we are in a context where those topics are discussed freely and constructively. When we speak in detail of our personal practice, we are not only exposing ourselves to the vibrational interference of other people, but also exposing them to data that they may be unable to handle.

So, whatever you do in the intimacy of your space, with your candles, your altars, your oracles and grimoires, keep it to yourself as much as possible. Resist the impulse to speak about it because you find it cool and assume others will as well. Shed the temptation to reveal critical details to strangers, particularly in public. Be the ultimate guardian of your labors.

Guardar el Secreto

Toda tradición mística en el mundo involucra grados de iniciación que determinan el nivel de conocimiento que un estudiante ha de recibir de aquellos más avanzados en la práctica. Desde la perspectiva externa, esto podría sonar convenientemente elitista, una forma de ejercer control sobre aquellos con menos entendiiento, y en efecto, podemos ver ejemplos de esta clase de corrupción en toda religión y sistema político en la historia. Sin embargo, esta no era la intención original de mantener la información oculta.

Las prácticas que se dedican al discernimiento de la Naturaleza, Dios y el Ser ofrecen a sus practicantes herramientas y habilidades que pueden ser muy dañinas si se usan irresponsablemente. Por eso es que los iniciados deben pasar pruebas para probar que tienen el equilibrio de mente, cuerpo y emociones requerido para usar el conocimiento efectivamente en servicio de un objetivo mayor. El maestro (sea una persona o alguna otra entidad) está constantemente observando al estudiante para determinar si puede acceder una capa más profunda de comprensión.

Esto también aplica a la relación que tenemos con nosotros mismos, especialmente ahora, cuando todos los textos sagrados y trabajos más profundos están disponibles para que cualquiera los encuentre y los explore. Aunque es difícil y no siempre posible, es mejor mantenernos en silencio acerca de lo que hacemos con la información que tenemos a menos que estemos en un contexto donde estos temas sean discutidos libre y constructivamente. Cuando hablamos en detalle de nuestra práctica personal, no sólo nos exponemos a la interferencia vibracional de otras personas, sino que las exponemos a ellas a datos que pueden no saber manejar.

Así pues, lo que sea que hagan en la intimidad de su espacio, con sus velas, sus altares, sus oráculos y grimorios, guárdenselo tanto como puedan. Resistan el impulso de halar sobre eso porque les parece genial y asumen que otros pensarán lo mismo. Desháganse de la tentación de revelar detalles críticos a extraños, particularmente en público. Sean los máximos guardianes de sus labores.

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Night Rune: Mannaz

Collaborations with the collective, help for individuals who need my presence. Attention to signs of danger.

Daylight message: Sowelo

Majesty, pure and simple presence. Expand your curiosity, attempt something new, play with the power of your imagination. The future is also the present, what you dream of happens now. Prepare to receive great energy, it may be difficult to handle, especially if there is resistance. Turn on the lights of your mind, clarify your thoughts, listen to your intuition, the answer to every question is immersed in the question itself. All occultation and disguise lose strength in this period, it is easy to see the Truth if you pay attention and get rid of value judgments. Plunge into the adventure, return to your childhood, let yourself create and explore.

Runa nocturna: Mannaz

Colaboraciones con el colectivo, ayuda a individuos que necesitan mi presencia. Atención a señales de peligro.

Mensaje diurno: Sowelo

Majestad, presencia pura y simple. Expande tu curiosidad, intenta algo nuevo, juega con el poder de tu imaginación. El futuro es también el presente, lo que sueñas ocurre ahora. Prepárate para recibir gran energía, puede ser difícil de manejar, especialmente si hay resistencia. Enciende las luces de tu mente, clarifica tus pensamientos, escucha a tu intuición, la respuesta a toda pregunta está inmersa en la misma pregunta. Toda ocultación y disfraz pierden fuerza en este período, es fácil ver la Verdad si prestas atención y eliminas los juicios de valor. Lánzate a la aventura, vuelve a tu infancia, date la oportunidad de crear y explorar.

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This and all of my daily readings are part of my shamanic service to the community and the whole world.

Esta y todas las lecturas diarias son parte de mi servicio chamánico a la comunidad y al mundo entero.

Para servicios personales / For personal services

drrune#6424 // +584129966082

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Wise words!

It is tempting to mistake the theoretical knowledge of this kind with the true meaning or feeling. It is also just too easy to mistake ones ego with living by traditions. I'm a human and my ego is not conquered for sure. While reaching out may be the first step towards a way of finding what we may look for, it is not the traditions itself.

On the one hand it is good that knowledge is available for most, on the other hand it is the motivation behind it, of what to do with the informations we can gather, that matters. And you are right, it can do a lot of harm.

There are enough examples in history, being German there is one famous example of how the traditions and knowledge in the wrong hands can lead to fatal consequences.

Few reached the level of being what many are longing for, but those went the entire way of doing so. With all the "sacrifice" that comes by leaving our egos behind.

I'm a firm believer of mystics, do I live by it? Nope. Have I read books and understood what I was reading? Sure. Do I live by it? Nope. Do I have my ways of practicing what my understanding of some things are? Yes. Am I entitled to teach others? Definitely not.

Some topics can be made public, others should stay secretly. I mentioned in a post about Ayurveda that it is a great topic but only by reading about it I can not live it. There has to be a true person of knowledge to be able to determine where you belong too. I understand it but still I don't know it.

I like to share knowledge of some kind, sure there is always the way to search the www for everything but most people don't bother to look things up. So with some topics sharing common knowledge can help educate those who don't have the time or will to do their own research. With other topics you should just leave it.

Jeez this comment makes a great post on its own lol. Sorry if it got a little out of hand 😇 .

Jeez this comment makes a great post on its own lol.

It sure did. Upvoted for engagement level :<)

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io


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