Laughter Is The Best Medicine 😂 Hive Humor Challenge

in Natural Medicine • 3 years ago

Hi friends. A new cycle begins in the @naturalmedicine community and this is the best medicine for the soul, laughter.

Good humor is something that we should take as a habit since it makes our day, our soul and our lives happy and thus we make our family and friends happy.

Remember Dr. Patch Adams ? He implemented laughter therapy with hospitalized patients in his hospital, it was a movie taken from real life and it worked well for patients.


Source: Omar López - Unsplash.

So here I bring you some short jokes that I hope will make you laugh a lot.

Joke # 1:

A very overweight man comes to the doctor and says:

  • Doctor, you have to help me. I want to lose weight quickly.
    The Doctor answers:
  • That's very easy. You just have to move your head from left to right 3 times.
    Asks the Patient:
  • All the time ?
    The Doctor answers:
  • No, only when someone offers you food.

Joke # 2:

A man is watching television and begins to shout:

  • Idiot, don't do it !!
    The wife arrives and asks:
    Who are you yelling at, love?
    The man answers:
  • To the video of our wedding.

And Joke # 3:

Jaimito asks his mother:

  • Mom and those white hairs?
    The mother answers:
  • Every time you misbehave, make me cry or worry me, I get white hairs.
    Jaimito answers:
  • Ah, I see.
    Mom asks:
    What did you understand son?
    Jaimito says:
  • I already understand why my grandmother has a white head, you must have been tremendous as a child.

I hope you laughed for a while, I know you did. I'll make another entry to continue laughter therapy.

Greetings friends and thanks for this challenge.

I want to invite to my friend @Mariale07, @phderoes, @lizelle, @cochanet and everyone who wants to join this laugh therapy.

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-14 at 5.37.49 PM.jpeg

 3 years ago (edited) 

Lol. Nice joke about effective ways to excercise or should I say great lesson on how to loose weight quickly. Lessons that make you laugh are sometimes more palatable. Lol

Did anyone else move their head 3 times after reading joke #1. Or was that only me.

Nice ones my friend! Laughter is great medicine. It's actually an aasan you perform inn yoga to stay healthy.

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😅😂🤣que gran post me gusto sobre todo el de Jaimito. Gracias por la invitación déjame ver que se me ocurre. Bendiciones 🤗🌷

Siempre tenemos una historia por ahí que nos hace reír, busca amiga @cochanet, espero tu entrada.

Me causo mucha risa el primer chiste, pero fue por lo evidente de la respuesta del medico. Y el de Jaimito es un clasico, en algun momento le preguntare a mis hijos porque me han sacado tantas canas. Buen post, mucha suerte. Saludos.

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Que bueno que te hice reir, esa es la idea. Dejar los problemas a un lado por un rato y reírnos de las cosas, muchas veces son simples, pero eso nos relaja un poco y podemos tomar un respiro para seguir. Gracias @fragozar01 por pasar por mi blog.

Ese es el gran problema de ser ya muy viejo, saber demasiados chistes y tener muy buena memoria. Porque es que ya uno se los sabe todos y no es papita reirse a carcajadas ¡Pero al menos sonreí!

Por otro lado y como soy tan franco y sincero. Solo decirte que estoy comentando en tu post únicamente porque el concurso de Natural Medicine me obliga a comentar en al menos otros 5 posts que participan en el concurso según sus reglas.

Nah! nada es serio todo en broma. Jajajaja };)

ahh si, me hiciste sonreir, al principio pensé que estabas molesto. Te iba a decir: entonces para qué comentas !!! jajajajaja Saludos amigo @por500bolos, gracias por comentar mi blog.

Saludos amigo @por500bolos, gracias por comentar mi blog.

Igualmente mi estimada. Siempre un gran placer comentar en tu blog si de hacernos reir y sonreir se trata. :D

 3 years ago  

Very funny, I've never heard any of these before. Are these Venezuelan jokes typically told in Spanish? I have been away from my boyhood home so long that I've forgotten many of our short jokes. I would have to ask a friend to remind me. Perhaps I am getting old.......

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Yes friend @justinparke is a Venezuelan jokes. Good that you know about these jokes of ours, the truth is that we are considered to be of a very good humor for our jokes.

I really like Joke number 2, it really cracked me. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you friend @officialuroga

You're welcome

It's just what the doctor ordered haha.

🤣 Lol I liked this post no theory only jokes 🌸 love it that's for sharing it 🌷

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Bless up, @justinparke 💚

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