Community Challenge 😃 New Friends/Nuevos Amigos

in Natural Medicine4 years ago


Happy community day! 😃

The Natural Medicine community is growing more and more every day and it is wonderful, many times we interact with several people but we need to know them a little bit more

Behind the keyboard there are thousands of stories that deserve to be told and much more deserves to be heard.

A community that cares about its members shows that it is not only a stranger that came to share, but is part of a big family

This challenge of NM from my point of view, wants us to know each other and integrate more! Making us feel supported and "family

These are my 5 questions...
I think I'll do some others, because it's really great to answer them (of course, when my little Santiago and the furry Sasha leave me)


  1. How did your path start on this path / with this practice?

I always, always liked the environment, I wanted to study environmental engineering, but... Well my parents didn't agree, the option that was a shortcut and I also liked it was chemical engineering.

I am from Venezuela and here you live and breathe because of oil, I have hated it because of natural disasters, to see how animals and the ecosystem suffer.

I wanted to learn to be a different Chemical Engineer, without living from oil, and to remedy so much damage that has been done. One professor certainly said:

"We chemical engineers have the responsibility to fix the damage we have done"

On my way I found teachers who saw the career through an environmental lens, so I was profiling, learning and meeting with the same interests. I knew that for everything traditional there are natural alternatives.

With my knowledge I already knew how to start and continue in the natural world in a conscious way and so I began to prepare things for me, and then create my enterprise.

How did your path start on this path / with this practice?

I always, always liked the environment, I wanted to study environmental engineering, but... Well my parents didn't agree, the option that was a shortcut and I also liked it was chemical engineering.

I am from Venezuela and here you live and breathe because of oil, I have hated it because of natural disasters, to see how animals and the ecosystem suffer.

I wanted to learn to be a different Chemical Engineer, without living from oil, and to remedy so much damage that has been done. One professor certainly said:

"We chemical engineers have the responsibility to fix the damage we have done"

On my way I found teachers who saw the career through an environmental lens, so I was profiling, learning and meeting with the same interests. I knew that for everything traditional there are natural alternatives.

With my knowledge I already knew how to start and continue in the natural world in a conscious way and so I began to prepare things for me, and then create my enterprise.


Do you think this boom of the natural is just another trend or is society really starting to wake up?

I firmly believe that society is starting to wake up, nature is screaming at us wildly that we are killing it, and its death would be ours


Why isn't all medicine natural if everything comes from nature?

The word pharmacist comes from the Greek word farmakon, which means "herb of healing and enchantment" (Natural, 1998)
Natural, M. (1998). The Healing Herbs. Madrid: Bloque Editorial DEARMAS.
Although everything is of natural origin, it goes through a process of transformation until it reaches the desired product


For example, many essential oils, in order to obtain a better yield, use an extraction process (so that they understand the extraction process, remember how they prepare the coffee, they put the ground coffee in a strainer mesh and they pass the hot water to it, well, the water is the solvent, the coffee is the material to which we are going to extract its properties), in the case of the essential oils, solvents can be used up to a certain degree that are toxic, not suitable for consumption, as long as they obtain a greater quantity of essential oil. In this way, little by little, properties are lost, adding additives to obtain products with a quick effect, so that they cease to be natural.

These are my first 5 questions, I hope that a large part of the community will join the challenge and get to know each other a little better

En Español

Feliiiz día comunidad!

La comunidad de Natural Medicine cada dia crece mas y mas y es maravilloso, muchas veces interactuamos con varias personas pero hace falta conocerlas un poquito más

Detrás del teclado hay miles de historias que merecen ser contadas y mucho más merecen ser escuchadas.

Una comunidad que se interese por sus miembros muestra que no es solo un desconocido que llego a compartir, sino es parte de una gran familia

Este reto de NM desde mi punto de vista, desea que nos conozcamos y nos integremos mas! Haciendonos sentir apoyados y en “familia”

Estas son mis 5 preguntas…
Creo que hare algunas otras, porque realmente es genial responderlas (Claro cuando mi pequeño Santiago y la peludita Sasha me deje)


¿Cómo empezó tu camino en este camino / con esta práctica?

Siempre, siempre me ha gustado el medio ambiente, quise estudiar ingeniería ambiental, pero… Bueno mis padres no estaban de acuerdo, la opción que era un atajo y también me gustaba era ingeniería química.

Soy de Venezuela y aquí se vive y se respira por el petróleo, lo he detestado por los desastres naturales, ver como sufren los animales y el ecosistema.

Quería aprender a ser un Ingeniero Químico diferente, sin vivir del petróleo, y remediar tanto daño que se ha hecho.. Un profesor ciertamente dijo:

“Los ingeniero químicos tenemos la responsabilidad de arreglar el daño que hemos hecho”

Durante mi camino encontré profesores que veían la carrera con una óptica ambiental, así me fui perfilando, aprendiendo y conociendo con los mismos intereses. Conocí que para todo lo tradicional hay alternativas naturales.

Con mis conocimientos ya sabía cómo empezar y continuar en el mundo natural de forma consiente y así inicie a preparar cosas para mí, y luego crear mi emprendimiento.


¿Cuál cree que ha sido su aprendizaje más importante durante su proceso?

El Mundo natural es maravilloso, muchas veces por tener resultados rápidos optamos por métodos artificiales que a largo plazo no son beneficiosos, he retomado la paciencia, para el mundo natural la paciencia es fundamental.

¿Cuáles serían sus principales recomendaciones para alguien que se inicia en este camino / práctica?

Leer mucho!
Unirse a grupos y comunidades, encontraras muchísimo apoyo.
También tener paciencia y confiar que la naturaleza sabe hacer su trabajo


¿Crees que este boom de lo natural es solo una tendencia más o la sociedad realmente empieza a despertar?

Creo firmemente que la sociedad comienza a despertar, la naturaleza nos grita salvajemente que la estamos matando, y su muerte seria la nuestra


¿Por qué no toda la medicina es natural si todo proviene de la naturaleza?

La palabra farmacéutico proviene del vocablo griego farmakon, que significa “hierba de curar y hechizar” (Natural, 1998)

Natural, M. (1998). Las Hierbas Curativas. Madrid: Bloque Editorial DEARMAS.

Aunque todo tenga origen natural, pasa por un proceso de transformación hasta llegar al producto deseado


Por ejemplo, muchos aceites esenciales para obtener mejor rendimiento se utiliza un proceso de extracción (para que entiendan el proceso de extracción, recuerden como preparan el café, el café molido lo ponen en una malla colador y le pasan el agua caliente, bien, el agua es el solvente, el café es el material al que le vamos a extraer sus propiedades), en el caso de los aceites esenciales, se pueden utilizar solventes hasta cierto grado tóxicos, no aptos para consumo, con tal de obtener mayor cantidad de aceite esencial. Así poco a poco, se van perdiendo propiedades, añadiendo aditivos para obtener productos de efecto rápido, así deje de ser natural

Estas son mis primeras 5 preguntas, espero que gran parte de la comunidad se una al reto y nos conozcamos un poco más


 4 years ago  

It’s really unfortunate how much greed hass devastated the natural balance of our Mother Earth. I was just mentioning to another member that I hadn’t thought about how places like Venezuela where you live and how the return to nature is dire in the face of survival. Here in the US, nature is a commodity and the return to such has been made into a trend, but I think we’re seeing the necessity of change in light of recent events here in our country. Your words are powerful and moving. Thank you for sharing and allowing us to get to know you better 🙏❤️

 4 years ago  

Maravilloso articulo, es bonito conocer más personas tan agradable como tú y es gracias a este reto de la comunidad. Hay que seguir compartiendo estas historias que son muy reales y llenos de aprendizajes, de verdad te admiro por lo que has hecho, eres grande.

Muchisimas gracias :D
Si este reto es excelente, tengo que ponerme al dia con los demas para conocerlos

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 4 years ago  

Great article. I had no idea about the oil industry damage in Venuzuela until I read a few posts this week.

nature yells at us wildly that we are killing her, and her death would be ours

I love this line. WE must listen to the call of the wild!

Yes, I know the industry and it's terrible

A few weeks ago I wrote about that, just when it started, there have been several spills so far this month