Do you know the difference between extracts, tinctures and oleates?

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

These basic preparations in the elaboration of natural products, tend to be confused on many occasions. These three methods are used to take advantage of the active principles of the plants by means of alcohol, oils or water, this will depend on the chemical structure of the active principle.

But first let's define the active ingredient (Farmacopea Argentina):

"Any chemical substance or mixture of related substances, of natural or synthetic origin, that possessing a specific pharmacological effect, is used in human medicine"

Now that we are clear that it is an * active principle * we can define what extracts, tinctures and oleates are.

The tinctures: it is the technique where fresh plants are used, extracting the active principle with a maceration of alcohol and water for a few days. After a few days the mixture is strained and the tincture is obtained. In most cases alcohol greater than or equal to 60% is used

Of my favorites the mint one.

Extract: originates from the physical extraction process, where a solid, in this case the plant, comes into contact with a solvent that has an affinity for the active ingredient that we want to extract.

It is very similar to tincture, but vegetable glycerin can be incorporated into the water and alcohol solution. It is left to macerate for ten days, then strain and extract

Finally, the Oleates is a maceration of dry plants in oil, using oils that are rich in properties and that last over time. We must take care of our oleates from the sun or the heat because the oil becomes rancid.

These three preparations are basic in the creation of natural products, they are simple to elaborate and very useful to take advantage of the active principles of the plants.


My extracts,tinctures and oleates


Farmacopea Argentina. (s.f.). Recuperado el 30 de abril de 2020, de


Good explanation, especially of the difference between a tincture and an extract. Oil only becomes rancid in an oleate if you use an oil with a very low smoke point; rice bran oil gives superb shelf-life to oleates.

Yes, and also the care you give to the oil, light, heat, type of container

Right!! NO plastic! and protected from light. Green-Brown-Blue glass are all good. ❤️