What does ADIWA mean to me? - @NaturalMedicine Challenge

A warm welcome to the @adiwathrive Community and in Celebration of the Launch of Adiwa Thrive; this is my response to @NaturalMedicine challenge

Adiwa personally for me means A way of Life; living harmoniously internally and externally; which also means one's attitude towards life. In short a Wholeheartedness approach towards self and others.

But how does one develop this wholeheartedness? Specially when we have so much turbulence going on in the external side; is it not possible that it will not impact us internally in any way. So then how does that balance come through and how does the wholeheartedness come through. Our state of mind gets influenced with a lot of factors.

We radiate in joy when we experience fleeting moments, we rage out when we experience low moments. There is always a polarity; 2 sides to everything including our own selves, within everyone there is good there is bad, there is beautiful and ugly, there is high & low. What we want to go ahead with is entirely our choice. There is a constant struggle between positive and negative reactions but the final decision lies with us. We may prefer to go with the goodness, but that does not mean that we do not confront the shadow side of us. And at the same time accept the shadow side of others also with grace.


It's easy to accept our own flaws but when it comes to other's we become intolerant. So it is most important that we can extend our benevolence to others and accept their shadow side with the same kindness as we would do for our own. It’s the most difficult thing to do isn’t it? The beauty of life is in to extend the same alien side of ours to others. What we can tolerate for our own self if we can start tolerating it for others also with grace and generosity I am sure we will experience the ADIWA moments.

Think beyond self – The zone of self-centeredness needs to be cleared, horizons need to be broaden up , obsessions need to be released. The shift from ME to WE. What can I do for others rather then what can others do for me. Imagine if each one of us, thinks like this there would be only energy of Love and Compassion flowing into this Universe. Being sensitive about other's needs along with keeping in mind your own will truly make one a compassionate person. I am sure no one wants to die saying, I was a very self-centered, self-loving and self-protective person.

Joy and suffering both are part of our lives. There can never be only joy or only suffering. Accepting the suffering also graciously with an understanding that it’s a part of living and also inevitable at times makes one peaceful.
At this moment, whatever we are going through is a consequences of collective karma, in these moments what energies we spread out are going to come back to us in some form. It is so important that we keep spreading a lot of Love, Happiness, Understanding, Compassion rather then fear and hatred.


At the end of the day mindset is everything. We may not be able to control the way people behavior towards us, but we can choose how we react, and if each one starts thinking in these lines, we can bring in a major shift within us and also externally in the universe overall.

I can embrace my Life to the fullest when I am at peace and peace starts from within with a lot of understanding and not only compromising. Life gives us many chances to experience our own ADIWA. I have had mine at many instances and I have in my best senses also spread out the same energy to others.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸


"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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I hadn't come across ADIWA until the @adiwathrive group started up. Thank you for a lovely explanation of it in your eyes. From this I get the feeling that it's striving for balance and acceptance of faults along with goodness.

Curated for #naturalmedicine by @minismallholding.

We encourage content about health & wellness - body, mind, soul and earth. We are an inclusive community with two basic rules: Proof of Heart (kindness prevails) & Proof of Brain (original content). Read more here.

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True, balance is the key essential for a healthy life.

 4 years ago  

Adiwa in short, it's everything that's good in the world.

nice post, nice words of reflection.

 4 years ago  

A beautiful response. Grace and generosity.. I can FEEL that as ADIWA, in my understanding of the term.

We may prefer to go with the goodness, but that does not mean that we do not confront the shadow side of us.

Equanimity makes for a more contented life. Those extreme reactions are painful. Learning more and more to embrace my shadow side.

Loved this response. Thankyou for your grace.

Thank you @riverflows, it was a delight to write on this one

Lovely sounds like an amazing place to be 💯🐒

Truly an amazing place for one's soul to vibrate in

 4 years ago  

!tipu curate 25

I'll be back!!!