7 days of love.. Dear Me #day 5

in Natural Medicine3 years ago (edited)


This is a love letter to myself ❤️ :

Dear Me, many times you was not sincere with your self, many times you underestimate yourself, many times you feel like a failure, a mistake, not enough, many times you suffered and cried and many times you wished to disappear.
Many time you felt confused and sad. But not now, I love you, and you must remember it, every time you are close to falling down, remember that I am here for you, that I support you and believe in you, you are not si bad as you think, you need just some peace, some happiness, some love.
You must stop to be scared because inside of you there is a brave warrior, but it's OK too if you are weak sometimes, you are human not a robot and humans feels weak sometimes, you don't need to be an hero everyday.

And remember you are enough!!!!

Also if you don't catch some results it doesn't matter.

You must take care of yourself.

You such a lovely person, don't forget it.

You have thousand of worlds inside of you, a full universe don't let people make you think you are poor and empty when you are so rich of potential and so full of things.

When the world seems to beg let it be small.
Problems most of the time are not so big as it seems, and you can do it.
You don't need to be perfect. I love you the way you are girl.

No one is perfect and you it's you.

I love you.


 3 years ago  

This was a beautiful, transparent and visibly real letter, truly beautiful.