[Esp-Eng]Hormonas de la felicidad se activan con ejercicios y deportes./. Hormones of happiness are activated by exercise and sports.

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Estimados amigos de las comunidades Hive, luego de saludarles afectuosamente, los invito a realizar ejercicios y practicar deportes, para mantener una salud física-mental saludable y evitar un estilo de vida sedentario. Las citadas actividades, ayudan a prevenir problemas cardiovasculares, obesidad, diabetes y cáncer, asimismo mejoran el humor, la autoestima y minimizan trastornos depresivos y ansiedad.

Dear friends of the Hive communities, after greeting you warmly, I invite you to exercise and play sports, to maintain a healthy physical-mental health and avoid a sedentary lifestyle. The aforementioned activities help prevent cardiovascular problems, obesity, diabetes, and cancer, as well as improve mood, self-esteem and minimize depressive disorders and anxiety.


Realizar ejercicios y deportes, contrarrestan las posibilidades de que se presenten en nuestra vida diaria, el estrés, ansiedad, angustias, insatisfacciones y nervios, por ello también es fundamental desarrollar, entre varias acciones, cuidar el cuerpo, dormir bien y alimentarse adecuadamente.

Performing exercises and sports, counteract the possibilities that stress, anxiety, anguish, dissatisfaction and nerves appear in our daily life, therefore it is also essential to develop, among various actions, take care of the body, sleep well and eat properly.



Amigos, al ejercitarnos y hacer deportes liberamos hormonas que produce el cerebro, tales como; Endorfina, Finilanina, Dopamina, Oxitoxina y Epinefrina, las cuales generan alegría, ayudan a la relajación, reducen el estrés, la ansiedad y mejoran el estado de ánimo. Estos componentes químicos, también llamadas "las moléculas de la felicidad", son sustancias naturales que producen nuestro cuerpo, con propiedades farmacológicas muy similares a la morfina, las cuales están distribuidas de forma desigual por todo nuestro sistema nervioso y tienen un papel fundamentalmente neurotransmisor.Fuente

Friends, when we exercise and do sports we release hormones that the brain produces, such as; Endorphin, Finilanin, Dopamine, Oxytoxin and Epinephrine, which generate joy, help relaxation, reduce stress, anxiety and improve mood. These chemical components, also called "molecules of happiness", are natural substances produced by our body, with pharmacological properties very similar to morphine, which are unevenly distributed throughout our nervous system and have a fundamentally neurotransmitter role. [Source]





Además, de hacer ejercicios y deportes, para una salud física- mental sana, debemos acompañarlos con otras acciones importantes, tales como; encuentros sociales, contacto con la naturaleza, la recreación y la cultura.

In addition, to do exercises and sports, for a healthy physical-mental health, we must accompany them with other important actions, such as; social encounters, contact with nature, recreation and culture.






Amigos, mientras nos apartamos del sedentarismo, nos acercamos a una adecuada salud física y mental sana. Dediquemos, por lo menos 30 minutos diarios a los ejercicios, puede comenzar con menos tiempo para que al inicio no se sientan fatigados o puedan desmotivarse y luego se resistan a no hacerlos, así mismo comience a practicar un deporte de su preferencia.

Friends, while we move away from sedentary lifestyle, we are approaching a proper healthy physical and mental health. Let's dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to the exercises, you can start with less time so that at the beginning they do not feel fatigued or they can become unmotivated and then resist not doing them, likewise start practicing a sport of your choice.


Apreciados amigos Hive, estimo que la presente publicación, les estimule a la realización de ejercicios y practicar deportes, para estar en forma física y mentalmente. Gracias por su atención y receptividad. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz les saluda cordialmente desde Cumaná capital del estado Sucre-Venezuela.

Dear Hive friends, I believe that this publication encourages you to exercise and play sports, to be physically and mentally fit. Thank you for your attention and receptivity. Omar Gustavo Rojas Ortiz greets you cordially from Cumaná, capital of the Sucre-Venezuela state.

Las imágenes fueron tomadas por @omarcitorojas desde mi Blu 5.2 Advance, y la relatoría es de mi autoría.

The images were taken by @omarcitorojas from my Blu 5.2 Advance, and the report is my own



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Good morning, I am very happy and grateful for you. Certainly, due to my exercises, cycling activities and gardening as a good recreational activity, they have helped me a lot in my physical and mental health with my 68 years of age, I move away from serentarismo after being retired as a teacher, because I am very active since I got up, amen also to the Hive communities that lift my spirits, and to you #naturalmedicine who are an open book in terms of physical and mental health. God bless you. Hugs from Cumaná Sucre state-Venezuela. With affection @omarrojas.

Family of the #naturalmedicine community, #mentalhealththawareness, always my exercises, use of the bicycle and sports and recreational activities, move me away and away from sedentary lifestyle, I meant. Successes. Hugs from Cumaná, capital of the Sucre state. Venezuela.

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