Time for Food Freedom - Letting Go of Fear, Judgement and Guilt

Food is very emotional for many people. There are so many different ways of eating and we can quickly get caught up in what we should or should not do.

Don’t we all just want to be happy and live a good life? Enjoying great health makes happiness certainly easier, but there are many colourful paths to reach that and everyone has to find their own journey.


Although I don’t know how this might look like for you, I do know that fear, shame, guilt or judgement around food and health practices (directed towards yourself or others) can not be the answer. I used to put up a lot of rules for myself - only 100% raw food, no breakfast before 11am, including strict cleansing regimes and more. And when I didn’t live up to my standards, I used to feel guilty.

At the end, did these practices really make me healthier? Partially yes, but it was often also pretty stressful for me (physically, mentally and emotionally) which is anything but healthy. At some point I told myself - enough is enough, I needed a change of perspective.

Now, I’m still eating 99% raw and love to incorporate short, gentle cleanses whenever I feel like it. BUT I don’t do it out of fear or obligation anymore. I choose this lifestyle every day since this is what makes me feel my best, what makes me happy. I also give myself more space to explore which is so liberating.

If you harbour fear, judgement or guilt around food, ask yourself - where does this come from? Does this really reflect my personal situation? Does this emotional charge serve me in my journey? If the answer is No, let’s decide to let it go and build new beliefs around our food choices that help us to feel more alive, more vibrant and happier with every meal.

➡️ Have you ever experienced such limiting emotions around food? 🌿💫

If you are looking for ways to step up your health game, signup for my weekly newsletter with delicious recipes, practical tips and powerful health insights around raw food. 🍉🍌🥝🍇🥒🥑 To join for free, follow this link

Have a peaceful day! Anais

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Great post, thank you. I think the emotional charge around anything is of primary importance in the effect that activity has. For example, what energy or spirit imbues my recycling or sustainable energy investing? Fear of environmental disaster or nurture and care for the world? The same act can create vastly different worlds, depending on how we feel.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

This is so important, because the attitudes we have around food can really impact our lives. Stress is indeed one of the biggest killers in life and if we are stressed we are unable to digest our food properly. Thanks for this wonderful reminder, to create healthy relationships with food xxx
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