Dates ginger juice is a traditional drink to increase endurance

in Natural Medicine2 years ago

Hello natural medicine lovers, meet again with umi rais who will share recipes about natural medicine (never get bored, because I always share recipes)🙏

Entering the month of december, in some countries usually enter the rainy season and snow season accompanied by cold winds.
To deal with cold weather, I will share recipes for traditional drinks that will accompany us in dealing with cold weather.

The drink that I will make consists of two ingredients, namely ginger and dates. This traditional drink has been proven to be effective in increasing the body's immunity. In addition, date juice and ginger are efficacious for lowering bad cholesterol levels in the body, reducing the risk of heart disease, warming the body and removing mucus in the lungs.

Dates juice and ginger

In Indonesia, this drink is usually served during the fasting month of Ramadan, namely at dawn (when eating to start fasting) and when breaking the fast, because this drink is believed to be able to meet energy needs during fasting.

The nutritional content contained in 100 grams of dried dates is :

Based on the nutritional content of dates which are high in calories and carbohydrates, dates are a fruit that can be used as a source of energy. In addition, dates contain fiber which is good for maintaining the digestive system and helps reduce the risk of diabetes (although dates are sweet and contain a fairly high amount of carbohydrates, the fiber content in dates actually helps reduce the risk of diabetes). The magnesium found in dates is beneficial for maintaining bone health and helps reduce the process of bone loss.

So dates are one of the nutritious fruits for health. Dates are a fruit that consists of various types, but I will not discuss this (because I do not understand, I will not discuss something that I do not understand).

During the rainy season, our family always keeps dates at home as a substitute for honey, because in November-December it is difficult to get real honey from the forest (we usually buy honey from honey farmers).

Ginger rhizome is a plant that is very popular as an ingredient in traditional drinks. That's why I planted my own ginger plants in polybags. So it's been a few years since I bought ginger in the market, because I have enough supply of ginger plants at home, the ginger plants in my house are free of pesticides and fertilizers, so I feel safe consuming them.

Ginger rhizome has long been known among traditional people with many benefits, therefore I will not discuss ginger again.

I will look for the ginger rhizomes in my garden (there is always ginger ready to harvest) in my mini garden.


I found the ginger

I have found the ginger rhizome, let's start making the juice. The ingredients we need to make date juice and ginger are :

100 grams of ginger rhizome
10 pieces of dates (I use Sukari dates, you can use any kind of dates, the most important thing is that they are edible)
1 L water


How to make juice:

The first step: peel the ginger skin, then wash it clean and cut it into smaller pieces to make it easier to blend.



The second step: put water into the pot, then add the ginger that has been cut into small pieces. let's boil until boiling.


The third step: after the ginger water boils, turn off the stove, let the ginger water become warm.


The fourth step: separate the dates and seeds, remove the seeds.


The fifth step: put the dates that have been seeded into the blender.


The sixth step: put the warm ginger and ginger water into a blender containing dates.


The seventh step: let's blend until smooth


let's drink while it's warm.


To give maximum results, drink this date and ginger juice before breakfast or before going to bed at night, just once a day. I make this juice in large portions for 4 people. You can make it in small portions for one drink. one segment of ginger (about 20 grams) plus 2 dates and 250 mL of water.

Good luck, hopefully useful for you my friend.
All photos I take using the Iphone 7 plus camera.


Hola , me perece bien tu presentacion y se lo bueno que es el jenjibre, pero me llamo la atencion , el dátil, la verdad que no la conosco, del jenjibre doy fe que es bastante buenna , te deseo suerte y que seas bien botado.