I Am Alive day 02 | Why we Choose 3speak?

in Philippines4 years ago

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Good morning everyone today is my day two of I Am ALIVE Challenge by @flaxz

Yes! I'm still alive having some fresh air and taking some heat of the sunrise at the roof deck of the campus. You won't allow your self to die if you saw this beautiful places on top and that's why i am still hear breathing and living lively...😍😍

Why we CHOOSE 3speak?

3speak is a free speech peer to peer decentralize platform where content creators rewarded with Hive token. Hive was made by the community and you are responsible for your own video or content. No one own or controls you but you had all the rights of your account.

This is why we choose 3peak rather than Youtube because we do not need to be monitize because we are DECENTRLIZE.

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