Hola comunidad de hive, hoy les traigo una forma de preparar sus sandwiches muy fácil con una salsa de berenjena muy sabrosa. | Hello hive community, today I bring you a very easy way to prepare your sandwiches with a very tasty eggplant sauce. |

Para la salsa usaremos:
- Berenjenas
- Cebollín
- Ajo
- 1 cucharada de aceite
- 1/2 taza de agua
For the sauce we will use:
1 tablespoon of oil
1/2 cup of water
En una olla colocamos las berenjenas picadas por la mitad, con la 1/2 taza de agua y el aceite, a fuego bajo. Sabrás que la berenjena está lista, cuando la veas así | In a pot, place the eggplants, chopped in half, with 1/2 cup of water and the oil, over low heat. You will know that the eggplant is ready when you see it like this |

Mientras se enfría la berenjena, picamos el cebollín y pelamos el ajo. | While the eggplant cools, chop the scallion and peel the garlic. |

Licuamos todo por dos minutos y reservamos en un envase para que se enfríe. | Blend everything for two minutes and reserve in a container to cool. |

Ahora solo nos queda lavar muy bien las hojas de lechuga y las rodajas de tomate, dejarlo remojar en agua de sal y vinagre para eliminar las bacterias. | Now we just need to wash the lettuce leaves and tomato slices very well, let them soak in salt water and vinegar to eliminate bacteria. |

Para finalizar, abrimos nuestros panes agregamos queso y jamón rallado o en rodajas, como ustedes prefieran, agregamos la lechuga, el tomate y nuestra salsa de berenjena. | To finish, we open our bread, add cheese and grated or sliced ham, as you prefer, add lettuce, tomato and our eggplant sauce. |

Yo acompañé mi cena con un batido de avena con leche muy refrescante y saludable. Espero que les haya gustado este post. Se les quiere, un abrazo. | I accompanied my dinner with a very refreshing and healthy oatmeal milk shake. I hope you liked this post. I love you, a hug. |

Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular Xiaomi Redmi Note 8, y las ediciones fueron creadas con Canva y Photogrid por mi persona. | All photos were taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 cell phone, and the edits were created with Canva and Photogrid by myself. |

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Did you bake/grill the sandwiches before serving or they were freshly baked !?@emybaby The sandwiches look super delicious...Amazing effort !
Thanks for reading my post, I am very glad that you like the recipe. I bake them after filling the loaves with the ingredients, but I took the photo before baking. Greetings and hugs!
Great ! :)
Cheers !
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