pan arabe, arroz con leche, calabazin,etc 021.jpg

For this rich Arabian Bread you don't need a special oven, just a frying pan. Yes, the bread is made in a frying pan on the stove in the kitchen and it is very good.

pan arabe, arroz con leche, calabazin,etc 049.jpg

The ingredients are very easy to find and are actually few:

20 g yeast
300 gs of water
500 gs of wheat flour
3 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil
2 teaspoons of salt

pan arabe, arroz con leche, calabazin,etc 026.jpg

In the water we add the yeast and add a pinch of sugar so that it ferments quickly. We let it act for 5 minutes. In a large bowl we add the flour, the salt and the ferment. We join until the dough is formed. We let it rest for half an hour.

After that time we knead again and apply the oil. Let it rest a second time, for 1 or 2 hours, until it doubles in size.

pan arabe, arroz con leche, calabazin,etc 025.jpg

We separate the dough into balls of the size that will be the bread and then stretch with the roller. The thickness will depend on your taste. If you want it like an omelette, you must leave it very thin. If you want to fill them, you should leave it a little thicker.

pan arabe, arroz con leche, calabazin,etc 023.jpg

Pass them through a pan without oil, they will immediately inflate, you turn it over so that it is done on the other side.

pan arabe, arroz con leche, calabazin,etc 020.jpg

Ready, you already have your homemade Arabic bread. Rich, easy to make and very inexpensive.

This is my entry to the contest carried out by my friend @ zord189 in the HIVE CREATIVE CONTEST community, this week with the theme of PAN.

If you want to join the challenge, here is the link:


Traducción al Español:

Para este rico Pan Árabe no necesitas horno especial, solo una sartén. Sí, el pan se hace en una sartén en la hornilla de la cocina y queda muy bueno.

Los ingredientes son muy fáciles de encontrar y son en realidad pocos:

20 gs de levadura
300 gs de agua
500 gs de harina de trigo
3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva o vegetal
2 cucharaditas de sal

En el agua añadimos la levadura y agregamos una pizca de azúcar para que fermente rápido. Dejamos que actúe unos 5 minutos. En un bowl grande agregamos la harina, la sal y el fermento. Unimos hasta formar la masa. Dejamos reposar una media hora.

Después de ese tiempo volvemos a amasar y le aplicamos el aceite. Dejamos reposar por segunda vez, durante 1 o 2 horas, hasta que duplique su tamaño.

Separamos la masa en bolitas del tamaño que será el pan y luego estiramos con el rodillo. El grosor dependerá de tu gusto. Si lo deseas tipo tortilla debes dejarla bien finita. Si las quieres rellenar, debes dejarla un poco más gruesa.

Pásalas por un sartén sin aceite, ellas enseguida se inflarán, le das la vuelta para que se haga del otro lado.

Listo, ya tienes tu pan árabe hecho en casa. Rico, fácil de hacer y muy económico.

Esta es mi entrada al concurso que realiza mi amigo @zord189 en la comunidad de HIVE CREATIVE CONTEST, esta semana con el tema del PAN.

Si deseas unirte al reto, aquí te dejo el enlace:

WhatsApp Image 2020-07-14 at 5.37.49 PM.jpeg


It looks so yummy! Would it work with Corn flower also?

Hello friend, thanks for stopping by my post. I don't think it works the same with cornmeal. With corn flour we do something similar but it does not have the same consistency.

ooooh thanks for letting me know!

YOu made this in a frying pan - that's amazing
And here I am thinking of getting a break maker
thank you for sharing :D

If you plan to make another type of bread, a bread maker would work for you, but I made this Arabic bread in a pan and it came out very well. Thanks for reading my post @kaerpediem.