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RE: Whatever Happened to Easter of 2020?

What a crazy plus year it has been
And it still continues it varying degrees and we keep going

That bread - I could almost smell it

By the way, I tried your pancake mix- and it's now my favourite :D

Hmmmm, guess I should be trying the break now right...
Though I have never but I shall gather my guts :D
Thank you for sharing


Crazy it certainly was and sometimes still is not so!
I'm so glad that you're enjoying the pancake recipe, it's so simple, actually a great standby when one has run out of bread as well.
This bread is good, I stored it in the fridge overnight and lightly toasted it on a griddle, topped with an egg for breakfast. Definitely needs to be served hot to bring out the flavour, yummy with loads of butter...I know...I know it's not good for those arteries they say, but it sure tastes good 😉
Thank you so much for the great feedback @kaerpediem.

You got me at loads of butter hahaha
I have already screen-capped the recipe and will give it a go
Thank you for these mouthwatering recipes ... and pictures haha :D