”Japanese Pan-Fried Batter Monjayaki もんじゃ焼き”

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago (edited)


”Japanese Pan-Fried Batter Monjayaki"

I made Japanese pan-fried batter called monjayaki the other day. People simply call it Monja as well. Monjayaki is very popular in the Kanto region of Japan. There are many monjayaki restaurants in Japan. Yes, it looks weird but the taste is good! It's easy to cook and you can obtain a lot of vitamins from cabbage. Also, it's fun to cook with family, friends, and co-workers, or more.

People often cook food together with an electric grill called a "hot plate" in Japanese. My husband found an electric grill at a garage sale a few years ago in Nova Scotia, Canada. I often cook pan-fried meals with it. People sit around the electric grill or gas grill and cook together and eat with a small spatula. It is a good image of Japan for me. I can't find exactly the same ingredients as Japanese people, so I had to arrange some of the recipes.




Ingredients 材料

Batter 汁

・Flour 30g (for 2-3 people)  小麦粉 30g(2−3人分)
・Water 250cc 水 250cc 
・Hondashi (bonito fish soup stock) 2-3 teaspoons ほんだし 小さじ2−3
・Oyster sauce 2-3 tablespoons オイスターソース 大さじ2−3
・Soy sauce 1 tablespoon しょうゆ大さじ1
(Pepper if you like コショウお好みで)

Basic Ingredients  基本の具

・Cabbage 100g キャベツ 100g
・Bacon 4-5 slices ベーコン 4−5枚
(small shrimp, pollock roe are also nice instead of bacon ベーコンではなく小エビや明太子などもいいと思います)
・Vegetable Oil for cooking 2-3 teaspoons  調理用の油 小さじ2−3

Toppings トッピング

・Kimchi 4-5 teaspoons キムチ 小さじ4−5
・Cheese 8-10g チーズ 8ー10g
・Dried Chinese Chow Mein Noodles 40g かた焼きそばの麺(ベービースター)40g
・Chives 8g (Green Seaweed powder if you have) 小ネギ8g(青のり)

Prepare all ingredients and toppings above.

  1. Slice cabbage, bacon, cheese, and chives.
  2. Break the dried Chinese chow mein noodles into small pieces.
    1. キャベツ、ベーコン、チーズと小ネギを、それぞれ適度な大きさに切ります。
    2. かた焼きそばの麺をくだきます。


  1. Pour water into flour little by little and mix it also little by little until it becomes smooth.
  2. Add oyster sauce, soy sauce, and Hondashi. Mix well.
    1. 小麦粉に水を少しずつ注いで、少しズづまぜ合わせます。
    2. オイスターソース、しょうゆ、本だしをまぜ合わせます。


  1. Heat the electric grill and pour vegetable oil.
  2. Cook cabbage very well. Pre-cook the bacon to add as a topping later.
  3. Make a cabbage bank for the batter. (it's not necessary to make a bank.)
    1. ホットプレートを温めて、油をひく。
    2. キャベツをよく炒める。ベーコンは別で炒めておき、後からトッピングする。
    3. キャベツで土手を作る。(作らなくてもよい)


  1. After making a cabbage bank, pour the batter into the bank.
    1. キャベツの土手の中に汁を流し込む。


  1. Put the toppings on the batter.
  2. Wait for a while until the batter becomes solid.
  3. Mix and make them into bite-sized chunks. Even if it burns a little bit, the crunchy parts are delicious too!
    1. トッピングを汁の上にのせる。
    2. 汁が固まるまで少しまつ。
    2. 混ぜてかたまりを作る。焦げができても美味しいです。

(Total Cooking Time including all preparation about 40 minutes. 準備時間も含め調理時間約40分)

Image from Wikipedia 画像はウィキペディアより
About Monjayaki もんじゃ焼きについてはコチラ:

My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1