Preparation of an exquisite sweet guava.

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

Greetings Hive friends, happy start to the week, I hope everyone is healthy and happy to get many successes this new week.

Today I want to share with you, the recipe for a guava preserve that we can prepare in 3 simple steps, it may take a while to be ready but despite this, I assure you it is worth the waiting time.

This preparation is merely handmade. And the ingredients, for its preparation we can get them without difficulty.


Sweet guava recipe

  • Ripe guavas
  • Sugar
  • Water


  • We start by chopping all the guavas in half, getting rid of the shells.


  • Then we place all the guavas in a pot and add water, just until it covers them, and we bring to high heat.


  • When it starts to boil, from that moment we let it cook for 15 minutes.


  • Once this is done, we proceed to remove them from the heat and together with all the water we pour it into the blender and liquefy for a few seconds, remember to avoid the seeds from being destroyed a lot so that it does not become bitter.


  • In procedure number 5 we strain all the mixture into a strainer to remove the seeds and reserve the pulp, we put it back in the pot and add all the sugar.


  • This must be done over low heat, stirring constantly, it is advisable to stir with a wooden spoon to prevent it from getting small or burning, being very careful with splashes as it thickens.


  • After about an hour, and maybe even a little more if we see the mixture crystalline and the bottom of the pot is easily observed while we stir with the spoon, our sweet is ready.


  • Once ready, we remove it from the heat and pour it into the mold that we are going to use.

  • We must let it cool at room temperature for several hours until it has a compact texture.



So we can now enjoy our guava preserve in the way we want, alone or with some delicious, cookies, cuttings, bread, cssabe among others.



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