Torta con frutas confitadas y trozos de chocolate. Paso a paso | Cake with candied fruits and chocolate pieces. Step by step

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

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Español | English

Hola comunidad♡ Hoy les traigo una receta bastante sencilla de cómo hacer una rica torta con frutas confitadas y chocolate.

Hello community♡ Today I bring you a quite simple recipe on how to make a delicious cake with candied fruits and chocolate.


Harina de trigo 500gWheat flour 500g
Leche 190mlMilk 190ml
Mantequilla 100gButter 100g
Azúcar 90gSugar 90g
Huevos 5Eggs 5
Una taza de refrescoOne cup of soda
Chocolate en trozosChocolate in pieces
Frutas confitadasCandied fruits


El primer paso es agregar la mantequilla y el azúcar en un recipiente, se baten hasta que ambos estén totalmente integrados. Después se le agregan los huevos uno por uno y se sigue mezclando.

The first step is to add the butter and sugar in a bowl, beat them until both are fully integrated. Then the eggs are added one by one and continue mixing.



Luego se le incorpora la harina previamente cernida y junto a ello se le va agregando la leche y el refresco. Por ultimo se le agrega las frutas confitadas y el chocolate.

Then the flour is added to it, previously sifted, and the milk and soda are added to it. Finally, candied fruits and chocolate are added.



Por ultimo se agrega la mezcla en un molde previamente engrasado y enharinado. Se lleva al horno por una hora aproximadamente, siempre chequeando hasta que la torta este totalmente cocida.

Finally, the mixture is added to a previously greased and floured mold. It is taken to the oven for approximately one hour, always checking until the cake is completely cooked.





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